31st Annual Greencastle 5mile Road Race - 26th December 2016
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
1 1007 Karl Doherty Innishowen AC WC 1 4:25 4:25 1 8:57 4:29 1 18:44 6:15 1 29:12 7:18 1 36:22 7:16 36:22 36:22 7:16/M
1 1 Paul Pollock Annadale Striders MO 1 4:32 4:32 1 9:06 4:33 1 14:19 5:12 1 20:06 5:47 2 24:52 4:46 24:52 24:52 4:58/M
2 11 Paddy Hamilton Slieve Gullion Runners MO 3 4:45 4:45 2 9:24 4:39 2 14:48 5:23 2 20:43 5:54 1 25:25 4:41 25:25 25:25 5:05/M
3 3 Conan McCaughey Derry Track Club MO 2 4:44 4:44 4 9:34 4:49 4 15:11 5:36 3 21:08 5:57 3 25:57 4:48 25:57 25:57 5:11/M
4 4 Andrew Annett North Belfast Harriers MO 5 4:46 4:46 3 9:35 4:48 5 15:11 5:36 4 21:15 6:03 4 26:12 4:57 26:12 26:12 5:14/M
5 6 Gerard Heaney St. Peter's AC MO 4 4:46 4:46 5 9:36 4:50 3 15:11 5:35 5 21:16 6:04 8 26:26 5:10 26:26 26:26 5:17/M
6 360 Lindsay Gordon North Belfast Harriers MO 6 4:46 4:46 6 9:39 4:52 7 15:25 5:46 9 21:50 6:24 5 26:49 4:58 26:49 26:49 5:22/M
7 7 John Lenehan City of Derry AC Spartans MO 9 4:50 4:50 7 9:45 4:54 6 15:29 5:43 10 21:54 6:25 6 26:56 5:01 26:56 26:56 5:23/M
8 9 Michael Crawley   MO 7 4:47 4:47 9 9:48 5:00 11 15:46 5:58 12 22:16 6:29 7 27:25 5:09 27:25 27:25 5:29/M
9 586 Eoin Hughes Acorns AC MO 10 5:00 4:59 8 9:57 4:57 8 15:52 5:54 11 22:18 6:26 9 27:31 5:13 27:31 27:31 5:30/M
10 577 Jonathan Canning Foyle Valley AC MO         10:32   12 16:33 6:01 6 22:49 6:16 11 28:07 5:17 28:07 28:07 5:37/M
11 5 Catherine Whoriskey City of Derry AC Spartans FO 22 5:13 5:13 21 10:32 5:18 9 16:27 5:54 8 22:49 6:22 12 28:12 5:22 28:12 28:12 5:38/M
12 827 Gavin Corey Sperrin Harriers MO 8 4:50 4:50 10 9:54 5:04 16 16:04 6:09 21 23:00 6:56 22 28:29 5:29 28:29 28:29 5:42/M
13 13 Pierce McCullagh Sperrin Harriers MO 14 5:05 5:05 17 10:22 5:16 18 16:32 6:10 20 23:24 6:52 10 28:40 5:15 28:40 28:40 5:44/M
14 410 Matthew Hewitt East Down AC MO 11 5:02 5:02 11 10:10 5:07 28 16:29 6:18 19 23:21 6:51 20 28:49 5:28 28:49 28:49 5:46/M
15 613 Matthew McLaughlin Foyle Valley AC MO 18 5:13 5:12 20 10:31 5:18 13 16:37 6:06 16 23:23 6:45 24 28:54 5:30 28:54 28:54 5:47/M
16 8 Aaron Meharg Acorns AC MO 12 5:03 5:03 12 10:14 5:10 20 16:29 6:15 34 23:31 7:01 14 28:55 5:24 28:55 28:55 5:47/M
17 737 Caitriona Jennings Letterkenny Athletic Club F35 24 5:15 5:15 18 10:31 5:16 17 16:42 6:10 17 23:28 6:46 17 28:56 5:27 28:56 28:56 5:47/M
18 717 Paul McAnespie Armagh AC M40 21 5:13 5:13 23 10:33 5:20 14 16:42 6:08 14 23:23 6:41 32 28:59 5:36 28:59 28:59 5:48/M
19 95 Aaron Woodman PACE Running Club MO 16 5:10 5:09 13 10:22 5:12 19 16:35 6:12 22 23:31 6:56 30 29:07 5:35 29:06 29:07 5:49/M
20 439 James Monaghan St. Peter's AC MO 19 5:13 5:12 15 10:28 5:15 10 16:26 5:57 7 22:45 6:19 118 29:11 6:25 29:11 29:11 5:50/M
21 16 Delfim Pimentel   M45 30 5:21 5:21 33 10:50 5:28 24 17:09 6:18 13 23:45 6:36 16 29:12 5:27 29:12 29:12 5:50/M
22 569 Joseph Kennedy Foyle Valley AC MO 23 5:14 5:13 22 10:33 5:19 15 16:43 6:09 32 23:44 7:01 25 29:16 5:32 29:16 29:16 5:51/M
23 352 Chris McGuigan Omagh Harriers M50 28 5:21 5:21 35 10:50 5:29 26 17:09 6:18 15 23:52 6:43 19 29:21 5:28 29:21 29:21 5:52/M
24 755 Sean McFadden Letterkenny Athletic Club M40 25 5:15 5:15 19 10:33 5:18 21 16:50 6:17 26 23:50 6:59 29 29:24 5:34 29:24 29:24 5:53/M
25 473 Stephen Nicholson PACE Running Club MO 48 5:29 5:28 25 10:54 5:24 36 17:18 6:24 18 24:07 6:48 13 29:30 5:22 29:29 29:30 5:54/M
26 785 Kevin McCloy   MO 20 5:13 5:12 16 10:29 5:16 31 16:51 6:22 41 24:02 7:10 26 29:35 5:32 29:34 29:35 5:55/M
27 678 Tommy Hughes Termoneeney Running Club M55 27 5:19 5:18 30 10:46 5:27 33 17:09 6:23 24 24:07 6:57 27 29:40 5:33 29:40 29:40 5:56/M
28 239 Brendan Heaney Armagh AC MO 31 5:22 5:21 36 10:51 5:29 25 17:09 6:18 28 24:10 7:00 31 29:46 5:35 29:45 29:46 5:57/M
29 596 Seanie Meyler Omagh Harriers M50 44 5:25 5:24 43 10:57 5:31 34 17:20 6:23 29 24:21 7:00 15 29:48 5:26 29:47 29:48 5:57/M
30 378 David Marshall   MO 15 5:06 5:06 24 10:29 5:22 45 17:04 6:34 46 24:20 7:16 21 29:50 5:29 29:49 29:50 5:58/M
31 12 Dermott Kerr Armagh AC M55 33 5:22 5:21 27 10:48 5:26 30 17:09 6:20 36 24:13 7:04 34 29:50 5:37 29:50 29:50 5:58/M
32 205 Martin McGirr Acorns AC MO 29 5:21 5:21 32 10:50 5:28 27 17:09 6:18 27 24:09 6:59 37 29:51 5:42 29:51 29:51 5:58/M
33 829 Derryl Mc Quade Omagh harriers M40 43 5:24 5:23 40 10:55 5:30 35 17:19 6:23 23 24:16 6:57 33 29:53 5:36 29:52 29:53 5:58/M
34 689 Diarmuid O'Kane City of Derry AC Spartans M40 45 5:25 5:25 42 10:57 5:31 22 17:14 6:17 30 24:15 7:01 36 29:55 5:39 29:55 29:55 5:59/M
35 485 Michael Kerr Carmen Runners MO 37 5:23 5:22 45 10:56 5:33 32 17:19 6:22 33 24:21 7:01 35 29:58 5:37 29:58 29:58 6:00/M
36 336 Martin McIvor Omagh Harriers MO 39 5:23 5:22 39 10:53 5:30 37 17:19 6:26 38 24:26 7:06 28 29:59 5:33 29:58 29:59 6:00/M
37 288 Denis Cush   M45 40 5:23 5:23 29 10:51 5:27 23 17:09 6:18 25 24:07 6:58 56 30:02 5:54 30:01 30:02 6:00/M
38 745 Raymond Carolan   M40 35 5:23 5:21 31 10:50 5:27 29 17:09 6:19 43 24:21 7:11 39 30:04 5:43 30:03 30:04 6:01/M
39 672 dermot Lynch   M50 49 5:29 5:29 48 11:07 5:37 41 17:38 6:30 31 24:39 7:01 44 30:25 5:45 30:25 30:25 6:05/M
40 662 John Nicholson PACE Running Club M40 34 5:22 5:21 34 10:51 5:29 49 17:28 6:36 40 24:37 7:09 49 30:26 5:48 30:25 30:26 6:05/M
41 1137 Cathy McCourt North Belfast F35         11:02           24:46   43 30:32 5:45 30:32 30:32 6:06/M
42 107 Oistin McAteer Blood Sweat & Tears MO 41 5:23 5:22 41 10:55 5:31 40 17:23 6:28 51 24:49 7:25 53 30:41 5:52 30:40 30:41 6:08/M
43 123 Garreth McCullagh Lifford/Strabane AC M40 42 5:24 5:22 28 10:51 5:27 47 17:26 6:34 62 25:03 7:36 40 30:47 5:43 30:45 30:47 6:09/M
44 707 Eamonn Monaghan Enniskillen RC M50 38 5:23 5:22 44 10:56 5:33 38 17:22 6:26 57 24:54 7:31 60 30:51 5:57 30:50 30:51 6:10/M
45 589 Michelle Sturm Omagh Harriers FO 61 5:45 5:38 46 11:23 5:37 43 17:56 6:33 39 25:04 7:07 54 30:57 5:53 30:50 30:57 6:10/M
46 681 Marty McDermott Sperrin Harriers M40 50 5:34 5:33 54 11:17 5:43 48 17:52 6:35 52 25:19 7:27 46 31:05 5:45 31:05 31:05 6:13/M
47 744 Dillion Carolan   MJ 36 5:23 5:21 51 11:03 5:40 75 17:55 6:52 50 25:18 7:23 52 31:11 5:52 31:09 31:11 6:14/M
48 575 Martin Loughran Acorns AC MO 26 5:18 5:18 38 10:48 5:29 42 17:21 6:32 80 25:11 7:49 66 31:14 6:03 31:13 31:14 6:15/M
49 598 Gavin McCaffrey Ballymena & Antrim AC MJ 69 5:51 5:48 64 11:42 5:50 39 18:10 6:28 42 25:21 7:11 55 31:15 5:53 31:11 31:15 6:14/M
50 865 Conor Meyler Omagh St. Enda's MO 72 5:54 5:50 73 11:51 5:57 56 18:34 6:43 45 25:51 7:16 18 31:19 5:27 31:16 31:19 6:15/M
51 844 Scott Milne   MO 64 5:47 5:46 69 11:40 5:52 44 18:14 6:34 44 25:29 7:15 51 31:20 5:51 31:19 31:20 6:16/M
52 422 Ryan Gray Trillick GAC MJ 75 5:55 5:49 50 11:35 5:39 46 18:09 6:34 37 25:14 7:05 85 31:28 6:13 31:22 31:28 6:16/M
53 14 Peter Neill Omagh Harriers M40 111 6:16 6:13 83 12:19 6:03 50 18:57 6:37 35 26:00 7:02 23 31:29 5:29 31:27 31:29 6:17/M
54 51 Chris McKeown Olympian Triathlon Club MO 70 5:52 5:51 70 11:46 5:53 58 18:30 6:44 48 25:48 7:18 41 31:33 5:44 31:31 31:33 6:18/M
55 113 Sean McDaid   MO 55 5:43 5:40 52 11:24 5:41 61 18:11 6:47 63 25:48 7:36 47 31:34 5:46 31:32 31:34 6:18/M
56 134 Conor Maguire Dromore Running Club MO 47 5:27 5:27 55 11:11 5:44 73 18:03 6:51 58 25:37 7:34 61 31:35 5:58 31:35 31:35 6:19/M
57 783 Philip Hunter   M40 78 5:57 5:54 71 11:51 5:53 53 18:32 6:40 49 25:50 7:18 45 31:36 5:45 31:33 31:36 6:19/M
58 164 John Hasson Ballymena Runners AC M45 58 5:44 5:41 60 11:32 5:48 66 18:21 6:48 56 25:52 7:31 48 31:40 5:48 31:38 31:40 6:20/M
59 341 Robin Montgomery Orangegrove AC M45 57 5:44 5:42 49 11:23 5:38 59 18:08 6:44 68 25:47 7:39 63 31:46 5:58 31:44 31:46 6:21/M
60 29 Paul Murphy Armagh AC M50 32 5:22 5:21 37 10:51 5:29 69 17:41 6:50 157 26:09 8:28 42 31:55 5:45 31:54 31:55 6:23/M
61 222 Andrew Parkhill Zoom Tri Club MO 71 5:53 5:49 59 11:41 5:47 54 18:23 6:41 60 25:58 7:35 62 31:57 5:58 31:52 31:57 6:22/M
62 386 Brandon McGrinder Lifford/Strabane AC MJ 77 5:55 5:50 65 11:46 5:51 63 18:34 6:47 64 26:12 7:37 50 32:01 5:49 31:56 32:01 6:23/M
63 615 Russell Robinson Foglish Harriers MO 59 5:45 5:42 47 11:23 5:37 60 18:08 6:45 74 25:53 7:45 76 32:02 6:08 31:59 32:02 6:24/M
64 452 Peter Byrne Omagh Harriers M45 56 5:43 5:42 57 11:29 5:45 55 18:11 6:42 65 25:49 7:37 90 32:04 6:14 32:03 32:04 6:25/M
65 111 Keith Weir Flaming Gooches MO 51 5:37 5:36 58 11:24 5:46 57 18:08 6:44 85 26:04 7:55 73 32:11 6:07 32:10 32:11 6:26/M
66 328 Rory francis Mccann   MO 82 5:59 5:57 102 12:13 6:13 78 19:11 6:58 47 26:28 7:17 38 32:11 5:42 32:08 32:11 6:26/M
67 192 Ciaran Maguire B.M.A.S MO 46 5:27 5:26 63 11:17 5:50 85 18:21 7:03 66 26:01 7:39 81 32:13 6:11 32:12 32:13 6:26/M
68 679 Paul McLaughlin Sperrin Harriers M50 63 5:46 5:45 61 11:35 5:49 77 18:31 6:56 70 26:14 7:42 65 32:16 6:02 32:15 32:16 6:27/M
69 231 Colin Harkin Tattyreagh GAC MO 79 5:58 5:51 62 11:48 5:50 70 18:38 6:50 53 26:08 7:29 78 32:17 6:09 32:11 32:17 6:26/M
70 832 Michael McGrinder   MO 76 5:55 5:50 66 11:46 5:51 65 18:34 6:48 71 26:17 7:42 70 32:23 6:05 32:17 32:23 6:27/M
71 238 Adrian Devlin Sperrin Harriers MO 65 5:49 5:47 68 11:41 5:51 52 18:21 6:39 88 26:19 7:58 74 32:27 6:07 32:25 32:27 6:29/M
72 590 Lukas Ruth   MJ 117 6:17 6:09 79 12:19 6:01 68 19:09 6:49 54 26:40 7:30 59 32:35 5:55 32:27 32:35 6:29/M
73 60 Desmond Fahy Orangegrove AC M45 83 6:00 5:57 87 12:06 6:05 76 19:01 6:55 55 26:32 7:31 69 32:38 6:05 32:36 32:38 6:31/M
74 489 Barry McGarvey Knockmany Runners MO 118 6:17 6:08 75 12:16 5:59 64 19:05 6:48 61 26:40 7:35 71 32:47 6:06 32:38 32:47 6:32/M
75 382 Michael McGrinder Lifford/Strabane AC M45 90 6:06 6:04 92 12:14 6:08 67 19:03 6:49 77 26:52 7:48 58 32:48 5:55 32:46 32:48 6:33/M
76 73 Eilis McKechanie Hunters Bog Trotters F35 102 6:11 6:07 81 12:14 6:02 74 19:06 6:52 72 26:50 7:43 64 32:49 5:59 32:45 32:49 6:33/M
77 435 Ray Cameron North Belfast Harriers M40 80 5:59 5:54 67 11:50 5:51 62 18:38 6:47 91 26:37 7:59 95 32:54 6:16 32:49 32:54 6:34/M
78 305 John Shevlin Knockmany Runners M40 122 6:18 6:09 84 12:22 6:03 71 19:13 6:51 69 26:54 7:40 68 32:59 6:04 32:50 32:59 6:34/M
79 560 Cormac McBride Glenelly GAC MJ 96 6:08 6:06 96 12:19 6:10 51 18:57 6:38 82 26:47 7:49 120 33:13 6:25 33:11 33:13 6:38/M
80 660 Vincy Hollywood Greencastle AC M45 52 5:38 5:38 76 11:37 5:59 100 18:48 7:11 112 27:00 8:11 94 33:16 6:16 33:16 33:16 6:39/M
81 600 Raymond McElroy   M40 97 6:09 6:02 94 12:19 6:10 82 19:21 7:02 73 27:06 7:45 80 33:17 6:10 33:11 33:17 6:38/M
82 920 John McQuaid QUB Athletics MO 136 6:29 6:26 77 12:29 6:00 72 19:20 6:51 76 27:08 7:47 82 33:20 6:12 33:17 33:20 6:39/M
83 43 Ryan Shaw Muck Hogs M45 54 5:42 5:41 56 11:27 5:44 99 18:37 7:10 145 27:03 8:25 105 33:23 6:20 33:22 33:23 6:40/M
84 639 Philip McGrade   MO 134 6:28 6:15 78 12:29 6:01 86 19:33 7:03 79 27:23 7:49 72 33:30 6:06 33:17 33:30 6:39/M
85 99 Patsi Doey Blood Sweat & Tears FO 53 5:41 5:41 112 11:57 6:15 152 19:31 7:33 78 27:20 7:49 83 33:33 6:12 33:32 33:33 6:42/M
86 219 Damien Murray Enniskillen RC MO 68 5:51 5:51 113 12:07 6:15 95 19:17 7:09 86 27:14 7:56 102 33:33 6:19 33:33 33:33 6:43/M
87 319 Robert Gallagher Marathon Club Ireland M40 87 6:03 6:03 90 12:10 6:07 92 19:18 7:07 101 27:21 8:03 87 33:35 6:13 33:35 33:35 6:43/M
88 517 Rob McBain Northwich Running Club MO 73 5:54 5:50 53 11:36 5:42 101 18:47 7:11 162 27:18 8:30 104 33:38 6:19 33:34 33:38 6:43/M
89 23 Darryl Meenagh Carmen Runners MO 60 5:45 5:43 80 11:47 6:02 110 19:05 7:18 122 27:22 8:16 96 33:39 6:16 33:37 33:39 6:43/M
90 571 Oliver Donnelly Dromore GAC M45 124 6:19 6:13 114 12:35 6:16 89 19:42 7:06 84 27:33 7:51 75 33:41 6:07 33:35 33:41 6:43/M
91 468 Geoff Sproule Lifford/Strabane AC M40 93 6:06 6:04       544 19:25 13:19 100 27:29 8:03 88 33:43 6:14 33:41 33:43 6:44/M
92 572 Mark Farquhar Blood Sweat and Tears MO 62 5:45 5:43 74 11:44 5:59 122 19:09 7:24 121 27:25 8:16 98 33:43 6:17 33:40 33:43 6:44/M
93 904 Shane McGale Omagh Harriers M45 92 6:06 6:03 99 12:18 6:12 87 19:23 7:04 95 27:25 8:02 99 33:43 6:18 33:41 33:43 6:44/M
94 235 Michael Duncan Lifford/Strabane AC M50 89 6:05 6:04 100 12:18 6:12 90 19:25 7:06 99 27:28 8:03 92 33:43 6:14 33:42 33:43 6:44/M
95 448 Barry McElduff Omagh Harriers M45 100 6:11 6:06 88 12:17 6:06 80 19:17 7:00 107 27:25 8:07 115 33:50 6:24 33:45 33:50 6:45/M
96 416 Brian Thom Acorns AC M45 95 6:08 6:04 97 12:19 6:11 93 19:27 7:08 104 27:32 8:05 100 33:51 6:18 33:47 33:51 6:45/M
97 656 John Gillespie Carmen Runners MO 84 6:01 6:00 98 12:13 6:12 79 19:13 7:00 130 27:32 8:19 101 33:51 6:19 33:51 33:51 6:46/M
98 362 Colin Bebbington   M40 106 6:13 6:07 89 12:19 6:06 91 19:26 7:06 93 27:27 8:00 116 33:52 6:24 33:46 33:52 6:45/M
99 232 Johnny Harkin Tattyreagh GAC MJ 81 5:59 5:53 72 11:55 5:56 81 18:56 7:00 150 27:23 8:26 135 33:55 6:31 33:48 33:55 6:46/M
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
100 798 Stephen Webb Kirkstall Harriers MO 114 6:17 6:14 105 12:31 6:14       560 27:45 15:14 84 33:58 6:12 33:55 33:58 6:47/M
101 273 Sebastian Wisniewski Magherafelt Harriers M40 91 6:06 6:04 101 12:18 6:12 88 19:23 7:04 110 27:33 8:09 121 33:59 6:26 33:57 33:59 6:47/M
102 526 Niall Armstrong North Belfast Harriers MJ 120 6:18 6:10 93 12:26 6:08 96 19:36 7:10 89 27:35 7:58 146 34:09 6:33 34:01 34:09 6:48/M
103 512 Jonathan McSorley Muck Hogs MO 66 5:50 5:46 82 11:53 6:02 108 19:10 7:17 159 27:41 8:30 142 34:13 6:32 34:10 34:13 6:50/M
104 850 Daniel McCartan Carrickmore M55 104 6:12 6:12 136 12:38 6:26 128 20:04 7:25 87 28:01 7:57 89 34:15 6:14 34:15 34:15 6:51/M
105 246 Paul McGirr   MO 86 6:02 6:00 110 12:18 6:15 112 19:36 7:18 131 27:55 8:19 106 34:17 6:21 34:14 34:17 6:51/M
106 367 Raymond Hoynes Lifford/Strabane AC M45 110 6:15 6:10 117 12:34 6:18 104 19:47 7:13 109 27:56 8:08 108 34:19 6:23 34:14 34:19 6:51/M
107 683 David Wright Jog Lisburn M45 150 6:36 6:29 106 12:50 6:14 97 20:01 7:10 94 28:02 8:01 103 34:22 6:19 34:15 34:22 6:51/M
108 833 Joe McCaroll   MO 116 6:17 6:06 85 12:22 6:05 98 19:33 7:10 149 28:00 8:26 110 34:24 6:24 34:12 34:24 6:50/M
109 163 Allastair Barron PACE Running Club MO 194 6:56 6:38 104 13:10 6:13 84 20:14 7:03 90 28:13 7:59 86 34:26 6:13 34:09 34:26 6:50/M
110 500 Aidan Kelly Carrickmore MO 85 6:02 5:58 124 12:22 6:19 123 19:47 7:25 118 28:01 8:14 119 34:27 6:25 34:23 34:27 6:53/M
111 537 Paula Arthur McCarthy Ballymena Runners AC FO 123 6:18 6:16 121 12:38 6:19 114 19:58 7:20 103 28:03 8:04 132 34:33 6:30 34:31 34:33 6:54/M
112 583 Sandra McKeown Acorns AC FO 121 6:18 6:15 146 12:47 6:28 124 20:12 7:25 105 28:18 8:05 123 34:45 6:27 34:42 34:45 6:56/M
113 597 Vincent McCaffrey PACE Running Club M50 98 6:09 6:06 95 12:20 6:10 107 19:35 7:15 186 28:14 8:38 145 34:47 6:33 34:43 34:47 6:57/M
114 757 Dylan Sloan Omagh Harriers MO 74 5:54 5:50       547 19:49 13:55 212 28:37 8:47 91 34:51 6:14 34:47 34:51 6:57/M
115 514 Colin Daly   MO 139 6:29 6:20 107 12:44 6:14 141 20:15 7:31 106 28:21 8:06 136 34:53 6:31 34:44 34:53 6:57/M
116 139 Hugh Sally Omagh St. Endas GAC MO 101 6:11 6:07 108 12:26 6:14 168 20:03 7:37 152 28:30 8:27 111 34:54 6:24 34:51 34:54 6:58/M
117 455 Darren Carter   MO 109 6:15 6:12 111 12:30 6:15 137 19:59 7:29 147 28:25 8:25 148 35:00 6:34 34:57 35:00 6:59/M
118 825 Dean Corey Sperrin Harriers M40 119 6:18 6:13 138 12:45 6:26 115 20:05 7:20 123 28:22 8:16 162 35:00 6:37 34:55 35:00 6:59/M
119 86 Brendan Montague Omagh Harriers M60 107 6:13 6:13 135 12:38 6:24 127 20:04 7:25 133 28:23 8:19 160 35:00 6:36 35:00 35:00 7:00/M
120 280 Tom Quinn Omagh Harriers MJ 67 5:50 5:49 148 12:19 6:29 134 19:48 7:28 189 28:28 8:40 147 35:02 6:34 35:01 35:02 7:00/M
121 62 Cathal Armstrong   MO 125 6:20 6:15 151 12:50 6:29 159 20:25 7:35 119 28:40 8:14 114 35:04 6:24 34:59 35:04 7:00/M
122 355 John Donnelly Ballymena Runners AC M45 132 6:27 6:25 116 12:44 6:16 121 20:08 7:23 135 28:28 8:20 158 35:05 6:36 35:02 35:05 7:00/M
123 603 Proinsias McCaughey Omagh Harriers M45 103 6:12 6:10 140 12:39 6:27 140 20:09 7:30 146 28:35 8:25 144 35:08 6:32 35:07 35:08 7:01/M
124 641 Peter Bradley   MO 177 6:47 6:32 131 13:10 6:22 113 20:29 7:18 129 28:48 8:18 107 35:10 6:22 34:55 35:10 6:59/M
125 324 Gerard Quinn   M40 157 6:38 6:35 167 13:12 6:34 148 20:45 7:32 124 29:02 8:17 79 35:12 6:10 35:10 35:12 7:02/M
126 692 Ryan Pritchard Strule utd MO 239 7:21 6:57 170 13:55 6:34 105 21:10 7:14 81 29:00 7:49 93 35:14 6:14 34:51 35:14 6:58/M
127 740 James McCrory Omagh Harriers M50 94 6:06 6:06 133 12:31 6:24 138 20:00 7:29 205 28:46 8:45 131 35:16 6:30 35:15 35:16 7:03/M
128 380 Matthew Driver   MO 88 6:04 5:57 115 12:21 6:16 154 19:55 7:34 139 28:18 8:22 250 35:17 6:58 35:09 35:17 7:02/M
129 259 Colm Hicks Maghery Sean McDermotts MO 182 6:51 6:39 195 13:32 6:40 135 21:01 7:29 96 29:03 8:02 97 35:21 6:17 35:08 35:21 7:02/M
130 74 Andrew McKechanie Hunters Bog Trotters MO 113 6:17 6:12 127 12:39 6:22 129 20:05 7:25 172 28:39 8:34 198 35:24 6:45 35:20 35:24 7:04/M
131 847 Kevin Smyth Omagh Harriers M50 127 6:20 6:19 130 12:43 6:22 144 20:15 7:31 184 28:52 8:37 137 35:24 6:32 35:23 35:24 7:05/M
132 573 Alison Farquhar Blood sweat and Tears F35 299 7:50 7:14 201 14:33 6:42 117 21:54 7:21 59 29:29 7:35 57 35:25 5:55 34:49 35:25 6:58/M
133 57 Don McKernan Sperrin Harriers MO 141 6:29 6:21 119 12:48 6:18 126 20:14 7:25 176 28:50 8:35 152 35:25 6:35 35:17 35:25 7:03/M
134 137 Ivor Smyth   M50 137 6:29 6:23 128 12:51 6:22 149 20:24 7:33 142 28:48 8:23 168 35:26 6:38 35:20 35:26 7:04/M
135 204 Terry McCullagh   M55 131 6:25 6:19 132 12:49 6:24 179 20:32 7:42 148 28:57 8:25 133 35:28 6:30 35:22 35:28 7:04/M
136 337 Richard Duffy Omagh Harriers M40 144 6:32 6:25 174 13:07 6:35 133 20:35 7:27 111 28:45 8:10 187 35:28 6:43 35:22 35:28 7:04/M
137 387 Damien Wilson Fintona GAC M40 135 6:28 6:17 126 12:49 6:20 132 20:16 7:26 182 28:53 8:36 155 35:28 6:35 35:18 35:28 7:04/M
138 289 John Joe McCullagh Omagh Triathlon Club M45 151 6:36 6:33 162 13:10 6:33 195 20:56 7:45 102 29:00 8:04 128 35:29 6:29 35:26 35:29 7:05/M
139 714 Gerard Campbell Lifford/Strabane AC M50 112 6:16 6:14 123 12:36 6:19 165 20:12 7:36 181 28:49 8:36 179 35:30 6:41 35:28 35:30 7:06/M
140 89 Oliver Barrett Lifford/Strabane AC MO 197 6:57 6:30 91 13:05 6:07 119 20:28 7:22 156 28:56 8:28 156 35:32 6:35 35:05 35:32 7:01/M
141 822 Marc MacCrossan   MO 303 7:51 7:26 168 14:25 6:34 103 21:37 7:12 83 29:29 7:51 67 35:33 6:04 35:09 35:33 7:02/M
142 821 Noel Conway Greencastle GAC MO 158 6:38 6:29 177 13:14 6:35 173 20:53 7:38 115 29:05 8:12 126 35:34 6:28 35:24 35:34 7:05/M
143 763 Ryan McMenamin Dromore GAC MO 183 6:52 6:45 129 13:14 6:22 116 20:35 7:20 132 28:54 8:19 180 35:36 6:41 35:29 35:36 7:06/M
144 248 Shane Murphy   MO 161 6:40 6:27 137 13:07 6:26 139 20:37 7:30 144 29:02 8:24 151 35:37 6:35 35:25 35:37 7:05/M
145 187 James McCabe Omagh Harriers M40 126 6:20 6:14 145 12:49 6:28 183 20:32 7:43 183 29:09 8:37 125 35:38 6:28 35:32 35:38 7:06/M
146 509 Grainne O'Hagan Knockmany Runners FO 152 6:37 6:25 118 12:55 6:18 162 20:31 7:35 166 29:03 8:32 149 35:38 6:34 35:26 35:38 7:05/M
147 241 Dermot McCrossan   M45 108 6:14 6:12 152 12:44 6:30 160 20:20 7:35 158 28:49 8:29 219 35:40 6:50 35:38 35:40 7:08/M
148 693 Greg McClure North Belfast Harriers M60 148 6:36 6:29 120 12:55 6:19 182 20:38 7:43 192 29:19 8:41 109 35:43 6:24 35:36 35:43 7:07/M
149 791 Chris Donnelly Killyclogher GAC MO 153 6:37 6:26 144 13:05 6:27 151 20:38 7:33 108 28:46 8:08 245 35:44 6:57 35:33 35:44 7:07/M
150 32 Alexandre Pimentel   MJ 105 6:13 6:09 158 12:45 6:32 208 20:36 7:51 178 29:12 8:35 139 35:44 6:32 35:41 35:44 7:08/M
151 1134 Paul Hughes Greencastle M40 99 6:10 6:06 125 12:30 6:20 147 20:03 7:32 238 29:02 8:59 199 35:48 6:45 35:44 35:48 7:09/M
152 743 Oliver Murphy Acorns AC M45 140 6:29 6:26 163 13:03 6:33 164 20:39 7:35 168 29:12 8:33 163 35:50 6:38 35:47 35:50 7:09/M
153 565 Barry Loughran Acorns AC M45 129 6:23 6:19 175 12:59 6:35 197 20:46 7:46 167 29:19 8:33 143 35:52 6:32 35:48 35:52 7:10/M
154 670 Tommy Harraghy Sperrin Harriers F60 154 6:37 6:32 164 13:11 6:33 145 20:43 7:31 134 29:03 8:19 221 35:54 6:50 35:48 35:54 7:10/M
155 318 Sean Canavan Omagh St. Endas GAC MO 294 7:48 7:14 103 14:01 6:13 120 21:25 7:23 97 29:28 8:03 122 35:55 6:26 35:22 35:55 7:04/M
156 271 Nigel Mills   MO 191 6:54 6:36 149 13:24 6:29 174 21:03 7:39 136 29:24 8:20 140 35:56 6:32 35:38 35:56 7:08/M
157 858 Sean McAleer   MJ 234 7:17 7:03 154 13:47 6:30 131 21:14 7:26 127 29:32 8:17 112 35:56 6:24 35:43 35:56 7:09/M
158 859 Joe McAleer   MO 235 7:17 7:04 153 13:47 6:30 130 21:14 7:26 128 29:32 8:18 113 35:56 6:24 35:43 35:56 7:09/M
159 838 Stephen Dickson 1ZERO1 M50 176 6:47 6:38 142 13:15 6:27 146 20:47 7:32 140 29:10 8:23 213 35:59 6:49 35:50 35:59 7:10/M
160 415 Brendan Furey McNally Swords CC M40 365 8:05 7:37 169 14:40 6:34 83 21:43 7:02 67 29:22 7:39 171 36:02 6:39 35:33 36:02 7:07/M
161 611 Jordan Quinn Dregish GAC MO 287 7:45 7:36 160 14:17 6:32 94 21:27 7:09 98 29:30 8:03 141 36:02 6:32 35:53 36:02 7:11/M
162 618 Helen Perry Belfast Running Club FO 133 6:28 6:22 159 13:00 6:32 198 20:47 7:46 177 29:23 8:35 173 36:03 6:39 35:56 36:03 7:11/M
163 275 Bobby Collins Carmen Runners M55 238 7:20 6:57 172 13:55 6:35 111 21:14 7:18 117 29:28 8:13 170 36:07 6:39 35:43 36:07 7:09/M
164 505 Aaron McEnhill OSE MO 208 7:03 6:45 176 13:39 6:35 166 21:15 7:36 141 29:39 8:23 129 36:09 6:29 35:50 36:09 7:10/M
165 80 Rob Whelan   MO 222 7:11 6:48 180 13:48 6:37 158 21:23 7:35 113 29:35 8:11 153 36:10 6:35 35:48 36:10 7:10/M
166 474 Mark Fullen Carmen Runners MO 206 7:02 6:39 141 13:30 6:27 157 21:04 7:34 155 29:32 8:27 172 36:12 6:39 35:48 36:12 7:10/M
167 654 Glen McKenna Omagh Harriers M40 147 6:36 6:28 156 13:07 6:31 170 20:45 7:38 180 29:22 8:36 224 36:13 6:51 36:05 36:13 7:13/M
168 1139 Michael McCann Carmen Runners MO 142 6:31 6:29 155 13:02 6:31 187 20:46 7:43 196 29:29 8:43 195 36:14 6:45 36:13 36:14 7:15/M
169 301 Liz O'Brien Omagh F35 188 6:53 6:41 187 13:32 6:39 150 21:06 7:33 114 29:18 8:11 249 36:16 6:58 36:04 36:16 7:13/M
170 733 Shane Coyle Carmen Runners MO 187 6:53 6:42 213 13:41 6:47 156 21:16 7:34 120 29:32 8:16 193 36:16 6:44 36:05 36:16 7:13/M
171 445 David Bolger Waterstown Warriors M40 163 6:41 6:34 139 13:08 6:27 125 20:33 7:25 208 29:20 8:46 244 36:18 6:57 36:11 36:18 7:14/M
172 634 Niall Kerlin Clann na Gael GAC MO 323 7:58 7:27 109 14:13 6:14 109 21:31 7:17 125 29:48 8:17 134 36:20 6:31 35:49 36:20 7:10/M
173 620 Padraic Muldoon Armagh AC M50 180 6:50 6:37 150 13:20 6:29 205 21:08 7:48 173 29:43 8:34 161 36:21 6:37 36:08 36:21 7:14/M
174 59 Dominic Gribbon Moneyglass & District Run M40 227 7:12 6:50 178 13:48 6:36 142 21:20 7:31 116 29:32 8:12 212 36:21 6:48 36:00 36:21 7:12/M
175 802 Padraig Donovan   MO 375 8:07 7:37       546 21:56 13:48 92 29:56 8:00 124 36:24 6:27 35:54 36:24 7:11/M
176 350 Barry McCann Omagh Triathlon Club M55 190 6:54 6:39 186 13:32 6:38 176 21:14 7:41 179 29:50 8:36 150 36:25 6:35 36:10 36:25 7:14/M
177 199 Joe Crean Dub Running Club MO 198 6:57 6:43 166 13:32 6:34 155 21:06 7:34 211 29:54 8:47 157 36:30 6:36 36:15 36:30 7:15/M
178 530 Aidan McGarrity   MO 386 8:11 7:44 196 14:51 6:40 102 22:03 7:11 75 29:48 7:45 181 36:31 6:42 36:04 36:31 7:13/M
179 669 Patsy Hughes Sperrin Harriers M50 179 6:49 6:44 214 13:37 6:47 171 21:15 7:38 164 29:47 8:31 192 36:32 6:44 36:27 36:32 7:17/M
180 775 Michelle Sweeney   FO 193 6:55 6:43 208 13:40 6:45 153 21:14 7:33 171 29:48 8:33 204 36:34 6:45 36:22 36:34 7:16/M
181 425 Tommy Gartland Knockmany Runners M60 243 7:24 7:00 147 13:53 6:29 167 21:30 7:36 163 30:01 8:31 159 36:38 6:36 36:14 36:38 7:15/M
182 349 Ita Kelly Lifford/Strabane AC F45 156 6:37 6:35 212 13:25 6:47 185 21:09 7:43 187 29:48 8:39 218 36:39 6:50 36:36 36:39 7:19/M
183 650 Emmett Doyle   M50 169 6:45 6:42 210 13:30 6:45 193 21:16 7:45 197 29:59 8:43 186 36:42 6:43 36:39 36:42 7:20/M
184 927 Brendan Burns Pomeroy MO 181 6:50 6:35         21:24   175 30:00 8:35 208 36:47 6:47 36:32 36:47 7:18/M
185 780 Martin Harkin Tattyreagh GAC MO 155 6:37 6:30 188 13:16 6:39 213 21:09 7:53 195 29:52 8:42 240 36:47 6:55 36:40 36:47 7:20/M
186 587 Leanne Sands Acorns AC FO 138 6:29 6:26 171 13:04 6:34 230 21:04 7:59 258 30:11 9:07 167 36:49 6:38 36:46 36:49 7:21/M
187 546 Claire Murphy St Helens Tri F40 149 6:36 6:32 192 13:16 6:40 214 21:11 7:54 235 30:09 8:58 177 36:50 6:40 36:46 36:50 7:21/M
188 141 Siobhán Hughes An Eaglais GAC FO 145 6:33 6:30 209 13:19 6:45 218 21:14 7:55 210 30:02 8:47 220 36:53 6:50 36:49 36:53 7:22/M
189 907 Oliver Murphy Carmen Runners MO 143 6:31 6:30 197 13:13 6:41 194 20:59 7:45 232 29:55 8:56 247 36:53 6:58 36:52 36:53 7:22/M
190 749 Peter McCrossan Dregish GAC MO 167 6:44 6:37 198 13:26 6:42 217 21:22 7:55 143 29:46 8:24 291 36:55 7:08 36:48 36:55 7:22/M
191 110 Eugene McCullagh Glenelly GAC MO 244 7:24 7:08 161 13:57 6:32 136 21:26 7:29 170 30:00 8:33 236 36:55 6:54 36:39 36:55 7:20/M
192 58 Annemarie McKernan Sperrin Harriers F35 175 6:47 6:43 226 13:37 6:49 212 21:29 7:52 198 30:14 8:44 188 36:58 6:44 36:53 36:58 7:23/M
193 686 Tanya Quinn Sperrin Harriers F40 172 6:47 6:42 231 13:37 6:50 190 21:22 7:44 225 30:16 8:53 196 37:01 6:45 36:57 37:01 7:23/M
194 203 Dominic Devine Clann Na nGael Walk/Jog/R MO 351 8:04 7:33 122 14:23 6:19 118 21:45 7:22 161 30:16 8:30 206 37:02 6:46 36:31 37:02 7:18/M
195 283 Ella Quinn Omagh Harriers FJ 130 6:24 6:22 241 13:18 6:53 258 21:28 8:10 224 30:21 8:53 197 37:07 6:45 37:05 37:07 7:25/M
196 797 Niall Diamond Omagh Harriers M45         13:18   236 21:19 8:00 245 30:21 9:02 205 37:07 6:46 37:00 37:07 7:24/M
197 39 Sean paul McCann Ormeau runners MO 128 6:21 6:18 204 13:06 6:44 206 20:55 7:49 227 29:50 8:54 338 37:11 7:21 37:08 37:11 7:26/M
198 348 Cathal Corr Pomeroy MO 211 7:05 6:55 243 13:59 6:53 191 21:44 7:44 174 30:18 8:34 231 37:12 6:53 37:01 37:12 7:24/M
199 50 Aoife McKeown Olympian Triathlon Club F35 164 6:41 6:36 165 13:15 6:34 222 21:12 7:57 251 30:17 9:04 242 37:13 6:56 37:08 37:13 7:26/M
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
200 711 Eamon McElroy Galbally GAC M40 396 8:13 7:12 182 14:51 6:37 106 22:06 7:15 137 30:28 8:21 217 37:18 6:50 36:17 37:18 7:15/M
201 792 Jolene Donnelly Dromore GAC FO 189 6:53 6:41 189 13:33 6:39 201 21:20 7:47 264 30:30 9:09 216 37:20 6:49 37:07 37:20 7:25/M
202 853 Fergal McElroy Sperrin Harriers M40 170 6:46 6:40 191 13:26 6:40 192 21:11 7:44 249 30:15 9:04 281 37:21 7:06 37:15 37:21 7:27/M
203 361 Kerry Gordon Thursday Nighters MO 201 6:59 6:50 220 13:47 6:48 225 21:46 7:58 204 30:31 8:45 223 37:22 6:51 37:14 37:22 7:27/M
204 765 Dean Fox Greencastle GAC MO 159 6:39 6:30 232 13:31 6:51       568 30:22 16:51 268 37:25 7:02 37:15 37:25 7:27/M
205 40 Sinead Maguire Clones AC F35 178 6:48 6:43 203 13:32 6:43 246 21:37 8:04 222 30:29 8:52 260 37:30 7:00 37:24 37:30 7:29/M
206 788 Fergus McCrossan Dregish GAC M40 168 6:44 6:38         21:22   236 30:21 8:58 297 37:31 7:09 37:25 37:31 7:29/M
207 919 Martin Fox Eglish M45 349 8:04 7:36 202 14:47 6:42 163 22:22 7:35 153 30:50 8:27 191 37:34 6:44 37:07 37:34 7:25/M
208 17 Finbarr Kelly   M40 242 7:23 7:04 181 14:01 6:37 209 21:52 7:51 220 30:44 8:51 227 37:36 6:52 37:16 37:36 7:27/M
209 442 Barry Gormley   MO 475 8:44 8:09         22:30   154 30:57 8:27 178 37:38 6:40 37:03 37:38 7:25/M
210 300 john McHugh   MO 321 7:57 7:23 173 14:32 6:35 203 22:20 7:48 169 30:53 8:33 200 37:39 6:45 37:05 37:39 7:25/M
211 592 Liam Dean PACE Running Club M50 232 7:16 6:58 216 14:04 6:48 238 22:06 8:01 217 30:56 8:50 183 37:39 6:42 37:20 37:39 7:28/M
212 664 Martin Conway Maghera M45 333 8:00 7:34 279 15:05 7:04 204 22:53 7:48 126 31:11 8:17 127 37:39 6:28 37:13 37:39 7:27/M
213 281 Seamus Arkinson Knockmany Runners M50 231 7:16 7:03 255 14:14 6:58 181 21:57 7:43 213 30:45 8:47 241 37:41 6:55 37:28 37:41 7:30/M
214 580 Gemma Dickson   FO 207 7:03 6:53 270 14:04 7:01 240 22:06 8:02 193 30:47 8:41 248 37:45 6:58 37:36 37:45 7:31/M
215 466 Rhona McHugh Donore Harriers MO 310 7:53 7:25 157 14:25 6:32 169 22:02 7:37 209 30:50 8:47 255 37:49 6:59 37:21 37:49 7:28/M
216 447 Brian Neill Knockmany Runners M45 230 7:15 7:03 261 14:14 6:58 180 21:57 7:42 214 30:45 8:48 276 37:50 7:04 37:38 37:50 7:32/M
217 585 Lucy McDermott Omagh Triathlon Club F40 171 6:46 6:33 183 13:25 6:38 255 21:34 8:09 244 30:35 9:01 317 37:52 7:16 37:39 37:52 7:32/M
218 286 Eimear Friel   FO 381 8:10 7:47         22:41   151 31:08 8:26 189 37:52 6:44 37:29 37:52 7:30/M
219 675 Charlie Dooher Melvin WJR M55 306 7:52 7:28 134 14:16 6:24 252 22:23 8:06 218 31:14 8:51 165 37:52 6:38 37:28 37:52 7:30/M
220 680 Brian Bradley Greencastle AC M55 212 7:06 6:55 227 13:56 6:50 175 21:36 7:40 326 31:12 9:35 185 37:56 6:43 37:45 37:56 7:33/M
221 510 Damian O'Hagan Knockmany Runners MO 285 7:44 7:32         22:05   250 31:10 9:04 210 37:57 6:47 37:45 37:57 7:33/M
222 921 Gerry Tuohey Greencastle M40 258 7:30 7:12 211 14:16 6:46 207 22:07 7:51 253 31:12 9:05 194 37:57 6:44 37:39 37:57 7:32/M
223 320 Calum Morrison   MO 357 8:04 7:33 184 14:43 6:38 184 22:26 7:43 165 30:59 8:32 252 37:57 6:58 37:26 37:57 7:29/M
224 578 Ruairi Keenan   MO 316 7:54 7:39 206 14:39 6:44 189 22:24 7:44 190 31:04 8:40 234 37:58 6:53 37:43 37:58 7:33/M
225 751 Michael Gallagher   MO 199 6:58 6:44 224 13:48 6:49 259 21:58 8:10 270 31:11 9:13 211 37:59 6:48 37:45 37:59 7:33/M
226 244 Adrian Cunningham   M40 347 8:03 7:31 179 14:40 6:36 178 22:22 7:42 237 31:21 8:58 176 38:02 6:40 37:29 38:02 7:30/M
227 800 Sorcha Mullan Omagh Harriers FJ 254 7:28 7:08 200 14:11 6:42 177 21:53 7:41 216 30:41 8:48 356 38:07 7:25 37:47 38:07 7:33/M
228 198 Anna Crean Dub Running Club FO 250 7:28 7:13 262 14:27 6:59 216 22:22 7:55 207 31:08 8:46 257 38:08 7:00 37:54 38:08 7:35/M
229 774 Barry Casey   MO 255 7:29 7:06 199 14:11 6:42 233 22:11 7:59 269 31:23 9:12 207 38:10 6:46 37:47 38:10 7:33/M
230 854 Michael McCullaghan   MO 203 6:59 6:45 233 13:52 6:52 226 21:50 7:58 239 30:51 9:00 329 38:10 7:19 37:56 38:10 7:35/M
231 136 Colin Cooney   M45 277 7:42 7:16 193 14:22 6:40 202 22:10 7:47 266 31:20 9:10 226 38:12 6:51 37:46 38:12 7:33/M
232 395 Paul Cox 4 Amigos M45 384 8:10 7:44 244 15:04 6:53 172 22:43 7:38 185 31:20 8:37 239 38:15 6:55 37:49 38:15 7:34/M
233 493 Ben Dolan Run for Enda MJ 266 7:34 7:10 185 14:12 6:38 254 22:21 8:08 261 31:29 9:08 209 38:17 6:47 37:52 38:17 7:34/M
234 297 Michael Higgins Magherafelt Harriers MO 329 8:00 7:33 249 14:55 6:55 186 22:39 7:43 259 31:47 9:07 130 38:17 6:29 37:50 38:17 7:34/M
235 710 Cathal Brannigan Galbally GAC MO 400 8:15 7:13 207 14:59 6:44 143 22:31 7:31 191 31:12 8:41 279 38:18 7:05 37:17 38:18 7:27/M
236 459 Gerard Turbitt Omagh Triathlon Club M60 257 7:30 7:09 253 14:27 6:57 231 22:27 7:59 223 31:20 8:53 263 38:21 7:00 37:59 38:21 7:36/M
237 159 Linda Petticrew Ballymena Runners AC F50 184 6:52 6:47 248 13:48 6:55 264 21:59 8:11 281 31:17 9:17 283 38:23 7:06 38:17 38:23 7:39/M
238 731 Gregory McWilliams   MO 452 8:32 8:00 347 15:53 7:20 232 23:53 7:59 138 32:15 8:21 77 38:23 6:08 37:51 38:23 7:34/M
239 84 Mike Motherwell   M45 364 8:05 7:35 229 14:55 6:50 188 22:40 7:44 200 31:25 8:45 251 38:24 6:58 37:53 38:24 7:35/M
240 534 Eamon McGarrity   MO 429 8:22 7:54         23:19   160 31:50 8:30 154 38:25 6:35 37:58 38:25 7:36/M
241 25 Padraig McDermott Omagh Triathlon Club M40 217 7:08 6:55 234 14:01 6:52 248 22:06 8:05 293 31:28 9:22 254 38:27 6:59 38:14 38:27 7:39/M
242 419 John McGinn Omagh Harriers M55 225 7:11 6:55 289 14:20 7:08 242 22:23 8:03 276 31:38 9:14 214 38:28 6:49 38:12 38:28 7:38/M
243 721 Malcolm McCullough Sperrin Harriers MO 192 6:54 6:49 265 13:54 6:59 257 22:04 8:09 301 31:29 9:25 253 38:28 6:58 38:23 38:28 7:41/M
244 739 Dan Monaghan   MJ 274 7:40 7:05 250 14:36 6:55 267 22:50 8:13 231 31:46 8:56 182 38:29 6:42 37:53 38:29 7:35/M
245 759 Darragh O'Neill Dromore MO 251 7:28 7:20 301 14:41 7:13 298 23:05 8:23 203 31:50 8:45 169 38:29 6:39 38:22 38:29 7:40/M
246 831 Kelly O'Neill   FO 214 7:06 6:54 252 14:03 6:56 235 22:03 8:00 254 31:09 9:05 341 38:30 7:21 38:18 38:30 7:40/M
247 166 Sean Henry Hasson   MJ 279 7:42 7:23 236 14:35 6:52 251 22:41 8:06 230 31:38 8:56 229 38:31 6:53 38:12 38:31 7:38/M
248 801 Colm McAteer   MO 318 7:55 7:33 294 15:06 7:10 224 23:04 7:57 226 31:57 8:53 164 38:35 6:38 38:14 38:35 7:39/M
249 346 Allan Ovens Newry City Runners M45 327 7:59 7:36 266 14:58 6:59 228 22:57 7:58 206 31:43 8:45 228 38:36 6:52 38:13 38:36 7:39/M
250 516 Robbie Robinson Foglish Harriers MO 301 7:50 7:24 143 14:18 6:27 227 22:17 7:58 277 31:32 9:15 274 38:36 7:03 38:10 38:36 7:38/M
251 423 Shannen Gray Trillick GAC FO 443 8:27 7:51         23:07   201 31:52 8:45 190 38:36 6:44 38:01 38:36 7:36/M
252 270 Eamonn Rohan   MO 162 6:41 6:32 222 13:29 6:48 253 21:37 8:07 344 31:20 9:43 321 38:38 7:17 38:30 38:38 7:42/M
253 790 James Kearney   MO 395 8:12 7:42 285 15:18 7:05 210 23:09 7:51 199 31:54 8:44 201 38:39 6:45 38:09 38:39 7:38/M
254 65 Ciara Largey   FO 392 8:12 7:38 239 15:05 6:53 219 23:00 7:55 215 31:49 8:48 237 38:44 6:55 38:10 38:44 7:38/M
255 925 Catherine O'Neill   F35 317 7:55 7:29 238 14:48 6:53 199 22:35 7:47 260 31:43 9:08 266 38:45 7:01 38:19 38:45 7:40/M
256 1000 Francis Boal Lagan Valley AC M65 146 6:34 6:32 237 13:27 6:53 302 21:52 8:24 377 31:45 9:52 265 38:46 7:01 38:43 38:46 7:45/M
257 427 Dominic Carlin Lifford/Strabane AC M45 369 8:06 7:31 215 14:54 6:47 223 22:52 7:57 228 31:48 8:55 262 38:48 7:00 38:13 38:48 7:39/M
258 622 Jason Shevlin Armagh AC M40 218 7:10 7:01         22:15   256 31:22 9:06 368 38:50 7:28 38:41 38:50 7:44/M
259 568 Aaron Maguire   MO 241 7:22 7:03 264 14:22 6:59 256 22:31 8:09 257 31:38 9:07 310 38:53 7:14 38:34 38:53 7:43/M
260 846 Barry McGuire Greencastle MO 359 8:05 7:41 306 15:19 7:14 229 23:18 7:59 233 32:15 8:56 174 38:55 6:39 38:32 38:55 7:42/M
261 563 Kathryn Sweeney   FO 213 7:06 6:54 240 14:00 6:53 313 22:27 8:27 311 31:57 9:30 246 38:55 6:57 38:43 38:55 7:45/M
262 601 Sean Carlin Lifford/Strabane AC M50 335 8:01 7:26 219 14:50 6:48 243 22:54 8:04 252 31:58 9:04 243 38:55 6:56 38:20 38:55 7:40/M
263 843 Colm McCusker   MO 173 6:47 6:45 287 13:53 7:06 268 22:07 8:13 336 31:48 9:40 289 38:56 7:07 38:54 38:56 7:47/M
264 718 Jonathan Lyons   MO 362 8:05 7:39 205 14:50 6:44 200 22:37 7:47 296 32:00 9:23 269 39:03 7:02 38:37 39:03 7:43/M
265 836 Shauna O'Neill   FO 215 7:07 6:55 235 14:00 6:52 269 22:14 8:14 321 31:47 9:32 319 39:04 7:16 38:52 39:04 7:46/M
266 121 Karen Green Maguiresbridge Running Cl F35 361 8:05 7:46 274 15:08 7:03 211 23:00 7:51 202 31:45 8:45 334 39:05 7:20 38:47 39:05 7:45/M
267 369 Raffa McBride Springwell Sprinters MO 358 8:05 7:36 276 15:08 7:03 220 23:04 7:55 243 32:06 9:01 256 39:06 7:00 38:38 39:06 7:44/M
268 443 Stephen Gormley   MO 425 8:21 7:46 217 15:09 6:48 221 23:05 7:56 234 32:02 8:56 284 39:08 7:06 38:33 39:08 7:43/M
269 207 Colum Beggs Greencastle GAC MO 210 7:05 6:54 258 14:04 6:58 279 22:23 8:18 329 32:00 9:37 292 39:08 7:08 38:57 39:08 7:47/M
270 144 Kathleen Law   FO 356 8:04 7:40 230 14:55 6:50 241 22:58 8:03 279 32:14 9:16 232 39:08 6:53 38:44 39:08 7:45/M
271 635 Don Callan   MO 224 7:11 6:53 267 14:11 6:59 303 22:36 8:24 322 32:09 9:33 267 39:11 7:02 38:52 39:11 7:46/M
272 88 Jennifer Morrow Omagh Triathlon Club FO 298 7:49 7:28 326 15:07 7:18 260 23:18 8:10 229 32:14 8:55 261 39:14 7:00 38:53 39:14 7:47/M
273 254 Caolán Hendron Maghery Sean McDermotts MO 202 6:59 6:46 218 13:47 6:48 328 22:19 8:31 382 32:15 9:55 270 39:18 7:02 39:05 39:18 7:49/M
274 504 Dominic McCaskie   MO 413 8:18 7:59 228 15:09 6:50 237 23:10 8:01 248 32:13 9:03 286 39:20 7:06 39:00 39:20 7:48/M
275 732 Damian Kerr Magherafelt Harriers M50 289 7:45 7:19 223 14:34 6:49 288 22:55 8:21 283 32:14 9:18 287 39:20 7:06 38:54 39:20 7:47/M
276 657 Aisling Gillespie Carmen Runners F35 186 6:53 6:51 308 14:08 7:14 290 22:30 8:21 362 32:17 9:47 280 39:23 7:05 39:21 39:23 7:52/M
277 167 Justin Conaty Omagh Triathlon Club M40 200 6:59 6:48 256 13:57 6:58 291 22:19 8:22 325 31:55 9:35 371 39:24 7:29 39:13 39:24 7:51/M
278 296 Andrew Wilmot Springwell Running Club M50 319 7:55 7:29 275 14:59 7:03 245 23:03 8:04 275 32:18 9:14 290 39:26 7:08 39:00 39:26 7:48/M
279 564 Liam Maguire Lifford/Strabane AC M40 288 7:45 7:19 251 14:41 6:55 266 22:54 8:13 306 32:23 9:28 275 39:27 7:04 39:01 39:27 7:48/M
280 529 Joe McNulty Lifford/Strabane AC M45 374 8:07 7:32 242 15:01 6:53 239 23:03 8:02 247 32:07 9:03 352 39:32 7:25 38:56 39:32 7:47/M
281 261 Darragh Mallon Maghery Sean McDermotts MJ 253 7:28 7:13 297 14:40 7:12 281 23:00 8:19 271 32:13 9:13 332 39:33 7:19 39:18 39:33 7:52/M
282 392 Edward Hazelton Island Triathlon Club M45 166 6:42 6:30 245 13:37 6:54 336 22:11 8:33 376 32:03 9:52 382 39:34 7:30 39:21 39:34 7:52/M
283 217 Kevin Treanor   M45 281 7:43 7:17 247 14:38 6:55 304 23:03 8:24 290 32:23 9:20 301 39:35 7:11 39:09 39:35 7:50/M
284 173 Marty Kilpatrick County Antrim Harriers MO 468 8:43 8:11 284 15:48 7:05 196 23:34 7:46 267 32:45 9:10 222 39:36 6:51 39:04 39:36 7:49/M
285 227 Paul McNamee Lifford/Strabane AC M50 249 7:27 7:03 257 14:26 6:58 289 22:47 8:21 316 32:18 9:31 324 39:37 7:18 39:12 39:37 7:50/M
286 451 Conan McElduff   MO 493 8:50 8:10 356 16:13 7:23         32:58   175 39:38 6:39 38:58 39:38 7:48/M
287 133 Martin McGirr Carmen Runners MO 174 6:47 6:42 281 13:52 7:04 299 22:16 8:24 348 32:00 9:43 413 39:40 7:39 39:35 39:40 7:55/M
288 682 Keith Morrow   M40 415 8:19 7:57         23:52   255 32:58 9:05 184 39:40 6:42 39:19 39:40 7:52/M
289 638 Tony McElroy   MO 264 7:33 7:18 318 14:49 7:16 307 23:15 8:25 282 32:32 9:17 295 39:41 7:09 39:27 39:41 7:53/M
290 916 Niamh Doyle Newcastle AC FJ 247 7:27 7:10 246 14:22 6:54 306 22:47 8:25 335 32:28 9:40 307 39:42 7:14 39:25 39:42 7:53/M
291 240 Gareth McCrossan   MO 204 7:01 6:46 259 14:00 6:58 331 22:32 8:32 356 32:18 9:45 353 39:43 7:25 39:29 39:43 7:54/M
292 924 James Donnelly Dromore MO 476 8:44 8:10 321 16:02 7:17 261 24:13 8:10 221 33:06 8:52 166 39:44 6:38 39:10 39:44 7:50/M
293 837 Ciaran McCaffrey 1ZERO1 M45 226 7:12 7:03 333 14:31 7:19 275 22:48 8:16 315 32:19 9:31 359 39:45 7:26 39:37 39:45 7:55/M
294 561 Pádraig Mac an Ghirr Omagh Harriers MO 325 7:59 7:06 190 14:38 6:39 249 22:44 8:05 342 32:27 9:42 327 39:46 7:18 38:53 39:46 7:47/M
295 872 Martin Brannigan Galbally MO 421 8:20 7:19 278 15:24 7:04 265 23:37 8:12 286 32:56 9:19 215 39:46 6:49 38:44 39:46 7:45/M
296 653 Una Corrigan Omagh Triathlon Club F35 355 8:04 7:42 323 15:22 7:18 285 23:43 8:20 219 32:34 8:51 300 39:46 7:11 39:24 39:46 7:53/M
297 45 Louise Browne Orangegrove AC F35 320 7:56 7:36 273 14:59 7:02 305 23:24 8:24 268 32:34 9:10 309 39:48 7:14 39:29 39:48 7:54/M
298 805 John Kehoe   MO 286 7:44 7:20         22:57   297 32:20 9:23 367 39:48 7:27 39:24 39:48 7:53/M
299 926 Patrick McElhatton Greencastle MJ 406 8:16 7:51 338 15:36 7:20 300 24:00 8:24 246 33:04 9:03 202 39:50 6:45 39:25 39:50 7:53/M
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
300 901 Sean McGowan Cappagh MJ 487 8:49 8:07 362 16:13 7:24 234 24:13 7:59 194 32:55 8:42 235 39:50 6:54 39:08 39:50 7:50/M
301 290 Clare Maguire Omagh Triathlon Club F45 272 7:39 7:26 325 14:57 7:18 276 23:15 8:17 289 32:35 9:19 312 39:50 7:15 39:37 39:50 7:55/M
302 804 Rory Loughran   MO 394 8:12 7:50 254 15:10 6:57 250 23:16 8:06 274 32:30 9:14 337 39:51 7:20 39:29 39:51 7:54/M
303 312 Cathal Mc Enhill Muck Hogs M50 332 8:00 7:48 327 15:19 7:18 247 23:23 8:04 363 33:10 9:47 203 39:56 6:45 39:44 39:56 7:57/M
304 476 Mihails Atruskevics Muck Hogs MO 324 7:58 7:47 302 15:12 7:13 273 23:28 8:16 284 32:47 9:18 298 39:56 7:09 39:45 39:56 7:57/M
305 691 Dawn McClure   FO 270 7:37 7:23 280 14:42 7:04 340 23:16 8:34 328 32:53 9:36 273 39:57 7:03 39:43 39:57 7:57/M
306 390 Darren Lawther Omagh Triathlon Club M40 417 8:20 7:45 295 15:30 7:10 263 23:42 8:11 292 33:04 9:21 233 39:58 6:53 39:23 39:58 7:53/M
307 559 Gail McBride Glenelly GAC F40 219 7:10 7:03 288 14:18 7:07 316 22:46 8:28 379 32:40 9:53 345 40:02 7:22 39:55 40:02 7:59/M
308 1141 James Brannigan Carmen Runners MO 160 6:40 6:38 377 14:07 7:27 391 22:59 8:51 354 32:44 9:45 336 40:05 7:20 40:03 40:05 8:01/M
309 67 Keith Robinson   M40 407 8:17 7:56 359 15:41 7:23 284 24:01 8:20 272 33:15 9:14 230 40:09 6:53 39:48 40:09 7:58/M
310 342 Kevin Heenan Sperrin Harriers M50 466 8:41 7:49 271 15:42 7:01 277 24:00 8:17 262 33:09 9:08 278 40:14 7:05 39:22 40:14 7:52/M
311 441 Michael Phillips Omagh Triathlon Club MO 302 7:51 7:32 303 15:04 7:13 283 23:24 8:20 310 32:55 9:30 339 40:16 7:21 39:57 40:16 7:59/M
312 294 Ivor Russell Knockmany Runners MO 260 7:31 7:14 272 14:34 7:02 282 22:54 8:20 387 32:52 9:58 348 40:16 7:23 40:00 40:16 8:00/M
313 659 Benny Ward Carmen Runners MO 165 6:42 6:37 345 14:03 7:20 310 22:30 8:26 398 32:35 10:05 427 40:18 7:43 40:13 40:18 8:03/M
314 699 Paul Brogan   MO 457 8:35 7:34 315 15:51 7:16 272 24:07 8:15 265 33:16 9:09 271 40:19 7:03 39:19 40:19 7:52/M
315 310 Mark McKenna   MO 380 8:09 8:02 328 15:27 7:18 294 23:50 8:23 263 33:00 9:09 335 40:20 7:20 40:13 40:20 8:03/M
316 652 Gavin Corrigan Omagh Triathlon Club MO 354 8:04 7:44 329 15:23 7:18 301 23:47 8:24 320 33:20 9:32 264 40:21 7:01 40:00 40:21 8:00/M
317 532 Conor McGarrity   MJ 432 8:22 7:56 296 15:34 7:11 215 23:29 7:55 294 32:51 9:22 377 40:22 7:30 39:55 40:22 7:59/M
318 402 Louise Hall Carmen Runners F40 363 8:05 7:43 277 15:09 7:03 244 23:13 8:04 384 33:11 9:57 303 40:23 7:12 40:01 40:23 8:00/M
319 1145 Joseph Cairns Glennelly GFC MO 352 8:04 7:51 312 15:20 7:15         33:18   277 40:23 7:05 40:10 40:23 8:02/M
320 433 Elsie McGarvey Knockmany Runners F35 236 7:18 7:05 260 14:16 6:58 337 22:51 8:34 408 33:01 10:10 354 40:26 7:25 40:14 40:26 8:03/M
321 131 Darren O'Neill Termoneeny Running Club M45 268 7:36 7:23 410 15:11 7:35 354 23:49 8:38 300 33:15 9:25 302 40:27 7:12 40:14 40:27 8:03/M
322 813 Darran Lagan Omagh Triathlon Club M40 115 6:17 6:11 86 12:23 6:05         32:37   455 40:27 7:49 40:21 40:27 8:04/M
323 605 Thomas Hamilton   MO 430 8:22 7:46 310 15:37 7:14 319 24:07 8:29 298 33:32 9:24 238 40:27 6:55 39:51 40:27 7:58/M
324 819 Nicola Donnelly Dregish GAC FO 292 7:47 7:32 291 14:57 7:10 332 23:30 8:33 339 33:11 9:41 316 40:28 7:16 40:13 40:28 8:03/M
325 465 Maoliosa McHugh   MO 336 8:01 7:36 268 15:01 6:59 362 23:40 8:39 327 33:17 9:36 299 40:28 7:11 40:03 40:28 8:01/M
326 264 Damian Mallon Maghery Sean McDermotts M55 330 8:00 7:44 404 15:33 7:33 344 24:09 8:35 295 33:31 9:22 258 40:32 7:00 40:16 40:32 8:03/M
327 923 Aidan McGale Dromore MO 479 8:45 8:11 317 16:02 7:16 262 24:13 8:11 242 33:15 9:01 326 40:34 7:18 40:00 40:34 8:00/M
328 490 Peter Dolan Run for Enda M50 416 8:19 7:45 292 15:30 7:10 271 23:45 8:15 318 33:17 9:31 333 40:37 7:20 40:03 40:37 8:01/M
329 734 Michael Henry Clann na Gael GAC M50 423 8:20 7:52 309 15:35 7:14 274 23:52 8:16 313 33:23 9:31 315 40:39 7:16 40:11 40:39 8:02/M
330 599 Karen McElroy Magherafelt Harriers F40 353 8:04 7:37 282 15:09 7:05 312 23:36 8:27 345 33:20 9:43 340 40:41 7:21 40:14 40:41 8:03/M
331 140 Malachy Smyth Glenullin Runner M50 410 8:18 7:48 335 15:37 7:19 330 24:10 8:32 302 33:36 9:25 285 40:42 7:06 40:12 40:42 8:02/M
332 644 Barry O'Neill Sperrin Harriers M50 209 7:04 6:59 368 14:30 7:26 370 23:11 8:40 397 33:16 10:04 362 40:43 7:26 40:38 40:43 8:08/M
333 118 Jennifer Bradley Acorns AC F45 246 7:27 7:20 374 14:54 7:26 352 23:32 8:38 383 33:29 9:57 308 40:44 7:14 40:37 40:44 8:07/M
334 1144 Mickey Molloy Pomeroy Runners M50 205 7:01 6:57 319 14:19 7:17 378 23:05 8:46 411 33:16 10:11 366 40:44 7:27 40:39 40:44 8:08/M
335 117 Deirdre Bradley Acorns AC F45 248 7:27 7:21 372 14:54 7:26 351 23:32 8:37 403 33:39 10:06 282 40:45 7:06 40:38 40:45 8:08/M
336 828 Paul McCullagh Pomeroy Runners M40 474 8:44 8:11 379 16:12 7:27       569 33:28 17:16 320 40:45 7:16 40:12 40:45 8:02/M
337 702 Francis McVeigh Galbally GAC MO 308 7:53 7:35 346 15:13 7:20 287 23:35 8:21 314 33:06 9:31 425 40:48 7:42 40:31 40:48 8:06/M
338 108 Maeve Largey Smiley Paces FO 229 7:15 7:06 376 14:43 7:27 372 23:25 8:42 361 33:12 9:47 412 40:52 7:39 40:43 40:52 8:09/M
339 165 Aine Hasson Ballymena Runners AC F45 252 7:28 7:20       557 23:35 16:06 389 33:34 9:59 328 40:54 7:19 40:46 40:54 8:09/M
340 911 Paul Maguire Pigeon Top Runners MO 331 8:00 7:43 340 15:20 7:20 380 24:07 8:46 338 33:48 9:41 288 40:56 7:07 40:40 40:56 8:08/M
341 210 Jonathan Browne Clann na Gael GAC MO 451 8:32 7:55 339 15:52 7:20       573 33:40 17:48 314 40:56 7:15 40:19 40:56 8:04/M
342 823 Conor McCloskey Drumragh GAC M45 256 7:29 7:17 386 14:58 7:29 349 23:36 8:37 304 33:03 9:27 472 40:57 7:53 40:44 40:57 8:09/M
343 624 Cormac Muldoon Armagh AC M55 370 8:06 7:44 320 15:24 7:17 329 23:56 8:31 343 33:39 9:42 325 40:57 7:18 40:35 40:57 8:07/M
344 631 Anthony Bond   MO 427 8:21 7:59 342 15:42 7:20 318 24:11 8:29 278 33:27 9:15 379 40:57 7:30 40:36 40:57 8:07/M
345 630 Nuala McLaughlin   FO 426 8:21 7:59 332 15:40 7:18 323 24:11 8:31 280 33:27 9:16 375 40:57 7:29 40:36 40:57 8:07/M
346 608 Glenn Junk Omagh Triathlon Club M45 388 8:11 7:49 363 15:35 7:24 311 24:02 8:27 307 33:31 9:28 361 40:58 7:26 40:36 40:58 8:07/M
347 365 Olivia Moore Acorns AC F40 383 8:10 7:45 313 15:25 7:15 347 24:02 8:36 308 33:31 9:28 364 40:58 7:27 40:33 40:58 8:07/M
348 148 Clare Mullin   FO 539 9:08 8:23 286 16:14 7:06       571 33:56 17:41 272 40:59 7:03 40:14 40:59 8:03/M
349 44 Fintan Hurl Orangegrove AC MO 334 8:01 7:41 307 15:15 7:14 359 23:54 8:38 319 33:27 9:32 396 41:02 7:35 40:43 41:02 8:09/M
350 316 Ryan Canavan Torrey Pine Trotters MO 418 8:20 7:47 290 15:29 7:09 320 24:00 8:30 367 33:49 9:49 311 41:04 7:14 40:31 41:04 8:06/M
351 184 Julian McKeown Gortin Omagh Karate Club M40 297 7:49 7:30 300 15:02 7:13 343 23:37 8:35 396 33:39 10:02 349 41:04 7:24 40:45 41:04 8:09/M
352 298 Christopher O'Neill Magherafelt Harriers MO 414 8:19 7:52 316 15:35 7:16 309 24:01 8:26 309 33:31 9:29 390 41:04 7:33 40:37 41:04 8:07/M
353 438 Eamonn Campbell   M60 305 7:52 7:36 322 15:09 7:17 346 23:46 8:36 373 33:37 9:51 372 41:06 7:29 40:51 41:06 8:10/M
354 351 Chris Gallagher Chris Gallagher Sports Ma M40 276 7:41 7:29 367 15:07 7:26       589 33:59 18:51 293 41:08 7:08 40:56 41:08 8:11/M
355 535 Paul Sweetman   MO 295 7:49 7:37       559 24:06 16:16 303 33:32 9:26 398 41:08 7:35 40:56 41:08 8:11/M
356 724 Emma Taggart   F40 464 8:40 8:06 396 16:11 7:31 286 24:32 8:20 288 33:52 9:19 330 41:11 7:19 40:37 41:11 8:07/M
357 909 Martin Taggart Pigeon Top Runners MO 399 8:14 7:57 436 15:59 7:44       572 33:41 17:42 391 41:15 7:33 40:58 41:15 8:12/M
358 260 Patrick Hendron Maghery Sean McDermotts MO 545 9:12 8:47 438 16:57 7:45       570 34:23 17:26 225 41:15 6:51 40:50 41:15 8:10/M
359 482 Damien O'Neill Omagh Harriers MO 278 7:42 7:27 369 15:08 7:26 322 23:39 8:30 371 33:29 9:50 448 41:17 7:47 41:02 41:17 8:12/M
360 142 Dan Hughes An Eaglais GAC M55 283 7:44 7:39 353 15:06 7:22 381 23:53 8:46 334 33:33 9:40 428 41:17 7:43 41:12 41:17 8:14/M
361 816 Tony Hughes Carmen Runners MO 284 7:44 7:40 263 14:43 6:59 321 23:14 8:30 424 33:32 10:18 434 41:17 7:44 41:13 41:17 8:15/M
362 174 Chris Fox   MO 195 6:56 6:47 304 14:10 7:13 374 22:55 8:44 440 33:28 10:33 454 41:17 7:49 41:08 41:17 8:14/M
363 143 Peter McAnenly Errigal Ciaran GAC M45 216 7:07 7:03 388 14:36 7:29 438 23:51 9:14 355 33:36 9:45 422 41:19 7:42 41:15 41:19 8:15/M
364 269 Joe Wilson   MO 448 8:31 8:05 505 16:36 8:04       579 34:53 18:17 117 41:19 6:25 40:53 41:19 8:11/M
365 501 Ciaran Slane Fitter Younger MO 402 8:15 7:58 357 15:38 7:23 270 23:53 8:14 330 33:30 9:37 453 41:19 7:49 41:02 41:19 8:12/M
366 36 Stephanie Henry Sperrin Harriers F40 293 7:47 7:35 336 15:07 7:19 373 23:51 8:44 346 33:34 9:43 443 41:21 7:46 41:08 41:21 8:14/M
367 114 McDaid Catherine   FO 265 7:33 7:17 314 14:49 7:16 385 23:38 8:49 416 33:53 10:14 378 41:23 7:30 41:07 41:23 8:13/M
368 772 Mark Carroll Drumragh GAC MJ 446 8:30 8:01 337 15:50 7:19 348 24:28 8:37 312 33:58 9:30 355 41:24 7:25 40:55 41:24 8:11/M
369 640 Shane Casey   MO 267 7:34 7:11 269 14:35 7:00 327 23:07 8:31 427 33:28 10:21 497 41:30 8:01 41:07 41:30 8:13/M
370 313 Pauric Quinn Killyclogher GAC M50 460 8:38 8:09 392 16:08 7:29 353 24:47 8:38 241 33:48 9:01 430 41:31 7:43 41:02 41:31 8:12/M
371 588 Simon Jones   MO 558 9:18 8:47 221 16:07 6:48 364 24:47 8:39 240 33:48 9:01 431 41:31 7:43 41:00 41:31 8:12/M
372 334 Dessie McAleer Omagh Triathlon Club M50 382 8:10 7:56 449 15:58 7:48 371 24:39 8:41 287 33:59 9:19 401 41:35 7:36 41:22 41:35 8:16/M
373 826 Joanne Bell Sperrin Harriers F35 280 7:42 7:37 354 15:05 7:23 314 23:33 8:27 412 33:44 10:11 460 41:36 7:51 41:30 41:36 8:18/M
374 150 Padraig O'Fril   MO 472 8:44 7:59 299 15:56 7:12       580 34:14 18:18 346 41:37 7:22 40:52 41:37 8:10/M
375 789 Declan Rafferty Pomeroy Plunketts GAC M45 473 8:44 8:11 384 16:12 7:28 292 24:34 8:22 340 34:16 9:41 343 41:38 7:21 41:05 41:38 8:13/M
376 776 Darren Pritchard   MO 271 7:38 7:15 298 14:50 7:12 421 23:57 9:06 417 34:12 10:14 363 41:39 7:27 41:16 41:39 8:15/M
377 299 Cristoir Mac Nia   M55 403 8:15 7:40 283 15:21 7:05 395 24:13 8:52 391 34:14 10:00 351 41:39 7:24 41:04 41:39 8:13/M
378 531 Malachy McGarrity   M50 489 8:50 8:15 349 16:11 7:21 295 24:35 8:23 285 33:53 9:18 444 41:40 7:46 41:05 41:40 8:13/M
379 223 Anthony O'Neill Sperrin Harriers M50 412 8:18 7:50 324 15:37 7:18       584 34:13 18:36 365 41:40 7:27 41:11 41:40 8:14/M
380 190 Declan Cox 4 Amigos M45             565 24:32 24:32       799 41:41 17:08 41:41 41:41 8:20/M
381 394 Ben McCrory 4 Amigos M45                         800 41:41 41:41 41:41 41:41 8:20/M
382 153 Neil Donnelly   MO 350 8:04 7:33 330 15:22 7:18 387 24:12 8:49 374 34:03 9:51 409 41:42 7:38 41:11 41:42 8:14/M
383 186 Mary O'Hanlon   FO 435 8:24 8:03       558 24:36 16:11 305 34:04 9:27 408 41:42 7:38 41:21 41:42 8:16/M
384 803 Patrick O'Neill   MO 491 8:50 7:56 398 16:21 7:31 335 24:55 8:33 364 34:42 9:47 259 41:42 7:00 40:49 41:42 8:10/M
385 124 Therese Connery Magherafelt Harriers F45 440 8:26 7:58 397 15:57 7:31 324 24:28 8:31 372 34:18 9:50 350 41:42 7:24 41:15 41:42 8:15/M
386 782 Emma Harkin Tattyreagh GAC FJ 245 7:26 7:18 341 14:46 7:20 396 23:41 8:54 425 34:00 10:19 423 41:43 7:42 41:35 41:43 8:19/M
387 817 Eunan O'Brien   M40 509 8:54 8:17 343 16:15 7:20 315 24:43 8:27 273 33:57 9:14 445 41:43 7:46 41:07 41:43 8:13/M
388 687 Mickey McCann Beragh Red Knights M45 185 6:53 6:48 348 14:14 7:21 427 23:22 9:08 438 33:53 10:31 462 41:45 7:51 41:41 41:45 8:20/M
389 570 Ronan McAleer Dromore GAC MO 263 7:32 7:26 445 15:20 7:47 440 24:36 9:16 350 34:21 9:44 360 41:47 7:26 41:40 41:47 8:20/M
390 766 Michael McCrory Sperrin Harriers M50 196 6:56 6:52 413 14:32 7:35 425 23:40 9:07 448 34:18 10:37 380 41:48 7:30 41:43 41:48 8:21/M
391 871 Tommy Mossey Gortin MO 483 8:48 8:11 381 16:16 7:27 342 24:50 8:34 351 34:35 9:45 304 41:48 7:12 41:11 41:48 8:14/M
392 432 Don Brownlee Acorns AC M55 438 8:25 7:58 389 15:55 7:29 293 24:18 8:22 359 34:04 9:46 439 41:50 7:45 41:22 41:50 8:16/M
393 623 Nula Breen Acorns AC F40 439 8:26 7:58 387 15:55 7:29 297 24:18 8:23 360 34:04 9:46 441 41:50 7:45 41:23 41:50 8:17/M
394 479 Declan McDermott Carmen Runners MO 454 8:33 8:03 406 16:07 7:33 361 24:46 8:39 378 34:39 9:52 305 41:52 7:12 41:22 41:52 8:16/M
395 331 Brian McGlone Knockmany Runners M45 523 8:58 8:20 293 16:08 7:10 278 24:27 8:18 368 34:17 9:49 400 41:53 7:36 41:16 41:53 8:15/M
396 910 Aidy O'Kane Pigeon Top Runners M45 398 8:14 7:57 437 15:59 7:45 368 24:40 8:40 352 34:25 9:45 369 41:53 7:28 41:36 41:53 8:19/M
397 145 Paul Bracken Jog Moira M40 311 7:53 7:31 755 19:07 11:13 161 26:42 7:35 188 35:22 8:40 138 41:54 6:32 41:32 41:54 8:18/M
398 24 Gerard Magee Greencastle AC MO 467 8:42 8:18       560 25:00 16:18 291 34:22 9:21 392 41:55 7:33 41:31 41:55 8:18/M
399 405 Maggie Ferris Drumquin GAC F40 304 7:51 7:31 403 15:24 7:32 390 24:16 8:51 413 34:28 10:12 381 41:59 7:30 41:38 41:59 8:20/M
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
400 170 Martin O'Neill Acorns AC MO 391 8:11 7:55 400 15:44 7:32 377 24:30 8:45 365 34:18 9:48 429 42:01 7:43 41:45 42:01 8:21/M
401 102 Barry Morris   M40 461 8:39 8:03 373 16:05 7:26 339 24:40 8:34 370 34:30 9:50 403 42:07 7:37 41:31 42:07 8:18/M
402 1135 Fergal O'Hanlan   MO 367 8:06 7:39 380 15:33 7:27       592 34:33 18:59 399 42:09 7:36 41:43 42:09 8:21/M
403 291 Stacey McCann Ormeau Runners FO 437 8:25 8:16 399 15:57 7:31 341 24:31 8:34 402 34:38 10:06 383 42:09 7:31 42:00 42:09 8:24/M
404 716 Patrick Sally Omagh MO 233 7:17 7:11 440 15:03 7:46       597 34:23 19:19 450 42:11 7:47 42:05 42:11 8:25/M
405 317 Katie Canavan Torrey Pine Trotters FO 480 8:46 8:11 360 16:10 7:23 356 24:48 8:38 333 34:26 9:38 432 42:11 7:44 41:36 42:11 8:19/M
406 247 Michael Macsorley   MO 553 9:18 8:47 225 16:07 6:49 357 24:46 8:38 324 34:21 9:35 463 42:13 7:51 41:42 42:13 8:20/M
407 315 Anne Daly Clann na Gael GAC F35 462 8:39 8:01 401 16:11 7:32 366 24:51 8:39 375 34:43 9:52 374 42:13 7:29 41:35 42:13 8:19/M
408 188 David Griffin Moneyglass & District Run MO 393 8:12 7:49 364 15:36 7:24 398 24:33 8:56 447 35:10 10:37 296 42:19 7:09 41:57 42:19 8:23/M
409 855 Liam Harvey Pomeroy M40 588 9:32 8:50 424 17:10 7:38 308 25:36 8:25 317 35:08 9:31 313 42:23 7:15 41:41 42:23 8:20/M
410 96 Aine Woodman PACE Running Club FO 500 8:52 8:16 405 16:26 7:33 358 25:04 8:38 341 34:46 9:41 416 42:27 7:40 41:51 42:27 8:22/M
411 276 Niall Maguire   MO 587 9:31 8:46 435 17:16 7:44 317 25:44 8:28 299 35:09 9:24 322 42:27 7:18 41:42 42:27 8:20/M
412 61 Odran Smith   M40 360 8:05 7:36 366 15:30 7:25 447 24:51 9:21 394 34:54 10:02 395 42:29 7:34 42:00 42:29 8:24/M
413 379 Shane Mullan Muck Hogs MO 343 8:03 7:54 311 15:18 7:15 334 23:52 8:33 421 34:08 10:16 558 42:31 8:23 42:22 42:31 8:28/M
414 851 Damien McCaffery   MO 269 7:36 7:26 361 15:00 7:23 389 23:52 8:51 418 34:07 10:15 561 42:31 8:23 42:21 42:31 8:28/M
415 796 John Frizelle   MO             566 24:43 24:43 404 34:51 10:07 415 42:31 7:40 42:02 42:31 8:24/M
416 478 Tracy Murray Knockmany Runners F40 346 8:03 7:47 390 15:33 7:29 403 24:30 8:57 399 34:36 10:05 477 42:32 7:55 42:15 42:32 8:27/M
417 695 Dympna McGowan Knockmanny Runners F45 345 8:03 7:46 391 15:33 7:29 402 24:31 8:57 400 34:36 10:05 476 42:32 7:55 42:15 42:32 8:27/M
418 581 Mark Orr   M40 275 7:40 7:26 443 15:27 7:46 480 25:05 9:37 393 35:06 10:01 373 42:36 7:29 42:21 42:36 8:28/M
419 71 Sarah Feeney PACE Running Club F45 469 8:43 8:14 408 16:17 7:34 363 24:56 8:39 406 35:05 10:08 389 42:38 7:33 42:10 42:38 8:26/M
420 308 Joanne Patterson   FO 471 8:44 8:13 427 16:24 7:40 365 25:04 8:39 381 34:59 9:55 410 42:38 7:39 42:07 42:38 8:25/M
421 809 Nichola Fitzgerald Muck Hogs FO 522 8:58 8:23 365 16:23 7:25 326 24:55 8:31 419 35:10 10:15 370 42:39 7:28 42:04 42:39 8:25/M
422 391 Leigh Stirrup Ballydrain Harriers M45 420 8:20 7:42 334 15:39 7:19 393 24:32 8:52 409 34:42 10:10 485 42:40 7:57 42:02 42:40 8:24/M
423 437 Seamus Quinn   M60 314 7:54 7:38 351 15:16 7:22 449 24:38 9:22 410 34:49 10:10 466 42:42 7:52 42:26 42:42 8:29/M
424 112 Dervla Weir Flaming Gooches FO 499 8:51 8:16 419 16:29 7:37 369 25:10 8:40 349 34:54 9:44 458 42:45 7:50 42:09 42:45 8:26/M
425 265 Lughaidh Mallon Maghery Sean McDermotts MJ 510 8:54 8:29 331 16:13 7:18 345 24:49 8:35 422 35:06 10:17 411 42:45 7:39 42:20 42:45 8:28/M
426 918 Colum Tracey Greencastle MO 527 9:00 8:30 452 16:49 7:49       577 35:01 18:11 435 42:46 7:44 42:16 42:46 8:27/M
427 370 Pat McBride Ashfield Ashers M65 373 8:07 7:50 458 15:57 7:49 401 24:54 8:57 415 35:08 10:13 407 42:46 7:38 42:29 42:46 8:30/M
428 458 Gabriel McAree   M50 547 9:13 8:28 454 17:03 7:49 376 25:48 8:45 337 35:29 9:41 323 42:48 7:18 42:03 42:48 8:25/M
429 400 Eddie Molloy Beragh Red Knights GAC MO 313 7:54 7:38 355 15:17 7:23 410 24:20 9:02 463 35:07 10:47 426 42:50 7:42 42:34 42:50 8:31/M
430 303 Linda Weir   F45 573 9:24 8:41 446 17:12 7:47 296 25:35 8:23 357 35:21 9:45 394 42:55 7:34 42:12 42:55 8:26/M
431 491 Brian Murray Armagh Pikekickers M45 494 8:51 8:12 453 16:40 7:49       585 35:17 18:36 414 42:57 7:39 42:18 42:57 8:28/M
432 933 Tony McCormick   MO 307 7:52 7:37 382 15:20 7:27       603 34:46 19:25 522 42:58 8:11 42:42 42:58 8:32/M
433 345 Barbara Fleming Ovens Newry City Runners F45 408 8:17 7:55 378 15:45 7:27 442 25:02 9:16 431 35:27 10:25 387 42:59 7:31 42:36 42:59 8:31/M
434 1136 Tiernan Teague Greencastle MJ 535 9:06 8:29 371 16:33 7:26 379 25:19 8:46 390 35:19 9:59 419 43:00 7:41 42:23 43:00 8:29/M
435 658 Anne Cook The Cullion Massive F50 561 9:21 8:50 514 17:29 8:07       581 35:51 18:21 306 43:04 7:13 42:34 43:04 8:31/M
436 773 Colin McGinty   MO 680 10:09 9:23 465 18:02 7:53       574 35:57 17:54 294 43:06 7:09 42:19 43:06 8:28/M
437 125 Pamela McNally Blood Sweat & Tears F35 409 8:18 7:55 431 15:59 7:41 414 25:03 9:04 380 34:58 9:54 512 43:07 8:08 42:44 43:07 8:33/M
438 869 Barry Fox   MO 315 7:54 7:42 393 15:25 7:30 423 24:32 9:07 401 34:38 10:06 591 43:13 8:34 43:00 43:13 8:36/M
439 786 Ursula Coyle Lifford/Strabane AC F45 504 8:53 8:17 444 16:40 7:46 412 25:43 9:03 407 35:52 10:09 347 43:15 7:22 42:40 43:15 8:32/M
440 193 Dessie Rooney   M55 605 9:38 8:53 475 17:35 7:56 375 26:20 8:45 331 35:58 9:37 342 43:19 7:21 42:34 43:19 8:31/M
441 218 Eugene Og Lagan Tri Limits MO 477 8:44 8:05 394 16:16 7:31 383 25:02 8:46 426 35:24 10:21 479 43:20 7:56 42:41 43:20 8:32/M
442 703 Gabriel Brogan Pomeroy Runners MO 444 8:28 8:11 502 16:32 8:03       594 35:36 19:04 438 43:22 7:45 43:04 43:22 8:37/M
443 760 Paddy Bradley Greencastle MO 237 7:19 7:08 412 14:55 7:35 454 24:19 9:24 445 34:56 10:36 568 43:22 8:26 43:11 43:22 8:38/M
444 91 Kevin O'Donnell   M45 566 9:23 8:44 421 17:01 7:37 355 25:39 8:38 385 35:37 9:58 447 43:24 7:47 42:45 43:24 8:33/M
445 31 Micheál Clarke Greencastle AC MJ 221 7:10 7:10 531 15:26 8:15 499 25:20 9:54 358 35:06 9:46 546 43:25 8:19 43:25 43:25 8:41/M
446 224 Ciaran O'Kane Clann Na nGael Walk/Jog/R MO 607 9:39 9:00 425 17:19 7:39 384 26:06 8:47 332 35:44 9:37 433 43:28 7:44 42:49 43:28 8:34/M
447 253 Joe Hendron Maghery Sean McDermotts M50 328 7:59 7:45       562 25:01 17:02 456 35:46 10:45 424 43:29 7:42 43:15 43:29 8:39/M
448 741 Gloria Donaghey Finn Valley AC F55 344 8:03 7:55 467 15:57 7:54 446 25:17 9:20 423 35:35 10:17 474 43:29 7:54 43:21 43:29 8:40/M
449 736 Sean McGroary Tattyreagh MO 645 10:01 9:02             757 36:10 26:08 331 43:30 7:19 42:30 43:30 8:30/M
450 353 Patrick Hackett Augher GAC MO 709 10:29 9:27 352 17:51 7:22       578 36:09 18:17 344 43:31 7:22 42:29 43:31 8:30/M
451 64 Shane McKenna Errigal Ciaran GAC MO 540 9:08 8:34 476 17:04 7:56       590 36:00 18:55 384 43:31 7:31 42:57 43:31 8:35/M
452 906 Darren Donnelly   MO 519 8:57 8:14 344 16:18 7:20 405 25:17 8:58 454 36:00 10:43 386 43:31 7:31 42:48 43:31 8:34/M
453 333 Ciaran Shevlin   MO 542 9:09 8:33 358 16:33 7:23 386 25:22 8:49 432 35:48 10:25 437 43:33 7:44 42:57 43:33 8:35/M
454 867 Barry McNulty Greencastle MO 658 10:03 9:04 385 17:32 7:28 280 25:51 8:19 323 35:26 9:34 517 43:36 8:09 42:36 43:36 8:31/M
455 673 Declan McGirr Muck Hogs M45 348 8:03 7:54 375 15:31 7:27 367 24:11 8:40 496 35:31 11:20 507 43:37 8:05 43:27 43:37 8:41/M
456 282 David Quinn Omagh Harriers MJ 259 7:31 7:22 451 15:20 7:49 462 24:51 9:30 466 35:39 10:48 487 43:37 7:58 43:29 43:37 8:42/M
457 771 Colm Kearney   MO 397 8:13 8:02 500 16:15 8:02 428 25:24 9:08 420 35:40 10:16 489 43:39 7:58 43:27 43:39 8:41/M
458 738 Ben Monaghan   M50 342 8:03 7:43 422 15:41 7:38 415 24:45 9:04 436 35:14 10:28 569 43:40 8:26 43:20 43:40 8:40/M
459 453 Natasha Henderson County Antrim Harriers FO 312 7:53 7:38 450 15:42 7:48 419 24:49 9:06 476 35:47 10:58 471 43:40 7:53 43:25 43:40 8:41/M
460 604 Russell Lucas   M50 568 9:23 8:35 477 17:20 7:56 388 26:10 8:49 392 36:11 10:00 376 43:40 7:29 42:53 43:40 8:35/M
461 314 Liza MURRAY Pomeroy Runners FO 546 9:12 8:40 481 17:09 7:57       586 35:54 18:44 446 43:41 7:46 43:09 43:41 8:38/M
462 206 Eimear O'Kane Clann na Gael GAC FO 513 8:56 8:18 434 16:40 7:44       593 35:42 19:01 493 43:41 7:59 43:03 43:41 8:37/M
463 747 Deirdre McCarroll Knockmany Runners F35 505 8:53 8:26 462 16:45 7:52 413 25:49 9:04 395 35:52 10:02 459 43:42 7:50 43:15 43:42 8:39/M
464 932 Dominic Early   MO 262 7:32 7:24 305 14:46 7:13       635 35:33 20:46 532 43:47 8:14 43:39 43:47 8:44/M
465 915 Jacinta Doyle Newcastle AC F55 449 8:32 8:15 471 16:27 7:55 444 25:44 9:16 388 35:43 9:59 506 43:48 8:05 43:31 43:48 8:42/M
466 421 Jack Carland Killyclogher GAC MJ 261 7:32 7:16 411 15:08 7:35 488 24:51 9:43 483 35:59 11:08 456 43:49 7:49 43:32 43:49 8:42/M
467 770 Angela Kerr Armagh AC F55 470 8:44 8:10 466 16:37 7:53 429 25:46 9:08 414 35:59 10:13 457 43:49 7:50 43:16 43:49 8:39/M
468 536 Donall Sally Omagh St. Endas GAC MO 273 7:40 7:28 423 15:19 7:38 430 24:29 9:10 465 35:16 10:47 590 43:51 8:34 43:39 43:51 8:44/M
469 354 Geoffrey McClean Ballymena Runners AC M45 590 9:32 8:49 433 17:16 7:43 394 26:08 8:52 386 36:06 9:58 436 43:51 7:44 43:08 43:51 8:38/M
470 715 Maria Martin Sanchez   F35 654 10:03 9:08 460 17:55 7:51 325 26:26 8:31 369 36:16 9:49 404 43:53 7:37 42:58 43:53 8:36/M
471 824 Sinead Sheils   F45 657 10:03 10:03       561 26:27 16:23 366 36:16 9:48 405 43:53 7:37 43:53 43:53 8:47/M
472 200 Chloe Wilson   FO 441 8:26 8:00 383 15:54 7:27 408 24:56 9:02 477 35:57 11:01 480 43:54 7:56 43:29 43:54 8:42/M
473 627 Molly Keenan   FO 322 7:58 7:43       563 25:04 17:05 458 35:49 10:45 509 43:56 8:06 43:41 43:56 8:44/M
474 250 Hugh McAleer Knockmany Runners M55 385 8:10 7:54 439 15:56 7:45 445 25:16 9:19 453 35:58 10:42 500 44:01 8:03 43:45 44:01 8:45/M
475 593 Edel Kidd Acorns AC F40 512 8:56 8:28 501 16:58 8:02 426 26:06 9:07 405 36:15 10:08 449 44:02 7:47 43:35 44:02 8:43/M
476 162 Fiona Herald   F45 387 8:11 7:57 485 16:10 7:58       610 35:55 19:45 511 44:03 8:07 43:49 44:03 8:46/M
477 674 Decky Duffy Melvin WJR MO 498 8:51 8:28 441 16:38 7:46 420 25:45 9:06 442 36:21 10:35 442 44:07 7:46 43:43 44:07 8:45/M
478 684 Jane Sally Omagh St Endas FO 341 8:02 7:47 426 15:42 7:39 457 25:10 9:28 446 35:47 10:37 549 44:07 8:19 43:52 44:07 8:46/M
479 454 Martin O'Neill Brackaville Owen Roes GAC MO 240 7:22 7:11 442 15:09 7:46 453 24:33 9:23 506 36:09 11:36 495 44:10 8:00 43:58 44:10 8:48/M
480 339 Gemma McCullagh   FO 282 7:43 7:40 409 15:18 7:34 501 25:13 9:55 474 36:10 10:56 494 44:10 8:00 44:07 44:10 8:49/M
481 538 Carol Annesley County Antrim Harriers F50 492 8:50 8:17 464 16:43 7:53 407 25:45 9:02 434 36:12 10:26 490 44:11 7:58 43:38 44:11 8:44/M
482 172 Paula Hennessy PACE Running Club F35 529 9:03 8:28 457 16:53 7:49 404 25:51 8:58 435 36:19 10:27 464 44:11 7:52 43:35 44:11 8:43/M
483 1012 Stevie King Q101.2 MO 644 10:01 9:15 537 18:18 8:16       582 36:41 18:23 397 44:17 7:35 43:31 44:17 8:42/M
484 616 Fionnuala Conwell Clann Na nGael Walk/Jog/R FO 326 7:59 7:47 480 15:56 7:57 458 25:24 9:28 437 35:52 10:28 564 44:18 8:25 44:06 44:18 8:49/M
485 168 Eoin Mulgrew   MO 434 8:24 8:06 503 16:28 8:03 448 25:50 9:21 439 36:22 10:32 478 44:18 7:55 44:00 44:18 8:48/M
486 119 Damien McElduff Greencastle AC MO 661 10:04 9:19 526 18:17 8:13 350 26:55 8:37 347 36:39 9:43 417 44:20 7:41 43:35 44:20 8:43/M
487 388 Eoghan McMenamin Cappagh Cycling Community MO 666 10:05 9:20 554 18:27 8:21       576 36:35 18:08 451 44:24 7:48 43:38 44:24 8:44/M
488 256 Rós Hendron Maghery Sean McDermotts FO 366 8:06 7:41 418 15:43 7:37 470 25:16 9:33 475 36:15 10:58 515 44:24 8:09 43:59 44:24 8:48/M
489 522 Margaret O'Neill   F50 574 9:24 8:44 415 17:01 7:36 382 25:48 8:46 449 36:27 10:39 486 44:25 7:57 43:45 44:25 8:45/M
490 523 Cuisle O'Neill   FO 569 9:24 8:44 416 17:01 7:37 360 25:40 8:39 464 36:27 10:47 488 44:25 7:58 43:45 44:25 8:45/M
491 181 Ronan Donnelly   MJ 515 8:56 8:13 350 16:18 7:21 406 25:18 8:59 457 36:03 10:45 563 44:28 8:24 43:45 44:28 8:45/M
492 541 Kevin Gallagher Tattyreagh GAC MO 651 10:02 9:03 513 18:10 8:07       583 36:39 18:29 452 44:28 7:48 43:29 44:28 8:42/M
493 278 Raymond Coyle Greencastle M45 228 7:15 7:10 532 15:30 8:15 486 25:10 9:40 469 36:03 10:53 566 44:29 8:25 44:25 44:29 8:53/M
494 481 Eimear Teague   FO 525 8:58 8:30 486 16:57 7:58 422 26:04 9:07 443 36:40 10:36 470 44:33 7:53 44:05 44:33 8:49/M
495 87 Harry Smyth   M40 524 8:58 8:30 543 17:16 8:18 433 26:28 9:11 433 36:54 10:26 420 44:36 7:41 44:08 44:36 8:50/M
496 781 Frank Harkin Tattyreagh GAC M55 296 7:49 7:41       564 25:17 17:27 441 35:52 10:35 603 44:36 8:43 44:29 44:36 8:54/M
497 116 Paul Bradley Acorns AC M45 389 8:11 7:55 402 15:44 7:32 485 25:23 9:39 459 36:09 10:46 571 44:37 8:28 44:21 44:37 8:52/M
498 311 Brenda Toner   FO 220 7:10 7:05 521 15:21 8:10 498 25:14 9:53 518 37:04 11:49 402 44:41 7:36 44:35 44:41 8:55/M
499 663 Fergal McCann   M40 543 9:09 8:36 470 17:04 7:55       607 36:47 19:42 475 44:42 7:55 44:08 44:42 8:50/M
Mile 1 Mile2 Mile 3 Mile 4 Mile 5 Chip Gun Average
Place BIB Name Club Category Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Rank Time Pace Time Time Pace
500 553 Catherine Gormley Drumquin Runners F40 340 8:02 7:54 498 16:04 8:01 473 25:39 9:34 468 36:30 10:50 530 44:43 8:13 44:35 44:43 8:55/M
501 758 Margaret Kerr Carmen Runners F35 431 8:22 8:08 469 16:17 7:54 472 25:51 9:34 471 36:47 10:55 484 44:44 7:57 44:29 44:44 8:54/M
502 712 Ollie Hughes Carmen Runners M55 581 9:30 8:51 456 17:20 7:49 392 26:12 8:51 444 36:48 10:36 483 44:45 7:57 44:06 44:45 8:49/M
503 363 Denise Bebbington   F40 560 9:21 8:50 515 17:29 8:07       598 36:49 19:20 482 44:47 7:57 44:16 44:47 8:51/M
504 902 Ruari McGowan Cappagh MJ 486 8:49 8:06             774 36:36 27:47 519 44:47 8:11 44:05 44:47 8:49/M
505 914 Aidan Doyle   MJ 603 9:38 9:06 578 18:06 8:28 338 26:41 8:34 452 37:22 10:40 357 44:48 7:25 44:16 44:48 8:51/M
506 513 Neil McSorley Muck Hogs MO 223 7:11 7:07 370 14:38 7:26       670 36:40 22:02 516 44:50 8:09 44:45 44:50 8:57/M
507 863 David Knox   M55 541 9:08 8:37 525 17:21 8:13 418 26:27 9:06 429 36:51 10:23 491 44:50 7:59 44:19 44:50 8:52/M
508 56 Mark Magee   MO 640 10:01 9:12 428 17:42 7:40       606 37:20 19:38 385 44:52 7:31 44:03 44:52 8:49/M
509 475 Eoghan Donnelly   MJ 634 9:57 9:14 533 18:14 8:16       587 37:02 18:48 465 44:54 7:52 44:10 44:54 8:50/M
510 642 Bernard Morris   M40 433 8:23 8:00 407 15:57 7:34       625 36:22 20:25 588 44:56 8:33 44:33 44:56 8:55/M
511 709 Gareth Thompson   MO       772 16:41 16:41       611 36:35 19:53 551 44:56 8:21 44:38 44:56 8:56/M
512 704 Enda Donnelly Beragh Red Knights GAC MO 742 10:42 9:50 586 19:13 8:30 333 27:46 8:33 353 37:31 9:45 358 44:57 7:26 44:05 44:57 8:49/M
513 806 Kevin Kehoe   MO 377 8:08 7:43 468 16:03 7:54 465 25:35 9:32 450 36:15 10:40 613 45:05 8:49 44:39 45:05 8:56/M
514 852 Sean McGuigan Killeeshil Runners M55 699 10:24 9:31 496 18:26 8:01       591 37:22 18:56 440 45:08 7:45 44:14 45:08 8:51/M
515 446 Gerry Kinsella Knockmany Runners M50 442 8:27 8:09 478 16:24 7:56       628 36:54 20:30 534 45:09 8:14 44:51 45:09 8:58/M
516 567 Dermot Hughes   M40 379 8:09 7:39 417 15:46 7:37 469 25:19 9:33 500 36:46 11:26 557 45:09 8:23 44:40 45:09 8:56/M
517 169 Barry Campbell Dromore Sports Complex MO 647 10:02 9:18 545 18:20 8:18       605 37:53 19:32 318 45:10 7:16 44:26 45:10 8:53/M
518 602 Lisa Donnelly   FO 309 7:53 7:47 459 15:43 7:50 464 25:15 9:31 519 37:08 11:52 504 45:12 8:04 45:07 45:12 9:01/M
519 325 Pauline Quinn   F40 502 8:52 8:30 488 16:51 7:59 437 26:05 9:13 491 37:22 11:16 461 45:13 7:51 44:51 45:13 8:58/M
520 524 Fiona Hagan   FO 579 9:30 8:49 474 17:26 7:56       614 37:23 19:56 473 45:17 7:53 44:36 45:17 8:55/M
521 251 Mick Gannon   M40 481 8:46 8:10 420 16:24 7:37 456 25:51 9:26 480 36:55 11:04 555 45:18 8:23 44:41 45:18 8:56/M
522 295 Kevin Peoples   M50 419 8:20 7:47 432 16:02 7:42 490 25:47 9:45 487 37:01 11:14 544 45:20 8:18 44:47 45:20 8:57/M
523 83 Duncan Motherwell   M40 518 8:57 8:21 511 17:04 8:06 439 26:19 9:15 473 37:15 10:55 510 45:21 8:06 44:46 45:21 8:57/M
524 808 John Longhorn Acorns AC MO 551 9:17 8:31 519 17:28 8:10 432 26:39 9:10 451 37:19 10:40 498 45:22 8:02 44:35 45:22 8:55/M
525 234 Seamus Coyle   M45 447 8:31 8:11 483 16:29 7:57 431 25:39 9:10 498 37:05 11:26 547 45:24 8:19 45:04 45:24 9:01/M
526 849 Conor Blee   MO 450 8:32 8:02 489 16:31 7:59 476 26:07 9:35 428 36:29 10:22 632 45:24 8:55 44:54 45:24 8:59/M
527 366 Erika Kudrenko Acorns AC F35 538 9:07 8:32 491 17:07 7:59 434 26:19 9:12 470 37:13 10:53 526 45:26 8:13 44:50 45:26 8:58/M
528 735 Tony McGuckin   M40 537 9:07 8:32 487 17:06 7:58       617 37:12 20:06 528 45:26 8:13 44:51 45:26 8:58/M
529 807 Kevin Loughran Acorns AC MO 520 8:57 8:20 534 17:14 8:16 455 26:38 9:24 460 37:25 10:46 499 45:28 8:03 44:50 45:28 8:58/M
530 834 Colly Grimes   MO 456 8:34 8:22 536 16:50 8:16 474 26:25 9:35 472 37:21 10:55 513 45:30 8:08 45:19 45:30 9:04/M
531 761 Declan McKeever   M40 455 8:34 8:14 495 16:34 8:00 466 26:07 9:32 478 37:08 11:01 552 45:30 8:21 45:10 45:30 9:02/M
532 519 Declan Gormley   MO 701 10:25 9:30 535 18:41 8:16       595 37:58 19:17 388 45:31 7:32 44:36 45:31 8:55/M
533 216 Lyndsey Mcginty R Running Club F35 600 9:35 8:56 561 17:58 8:23 399 26:56 8:57 430 37:20 10:24 527 45:33 8:13 44:55 45:33 8:59/M
534 557 Sharon McCullagh Glenelly GAC F45 378 8:08 8:01 565 16:33 8:24       636 37:21 20:47 535 45:35 8:14 45:28 45:35 9:06/M
535 161 Sean Curran   M50 405 8:16 7:54 447 16:03 7:47 491 25:49 9:45 489 37:05 11:15 580 45:36 8:31 45:14 45:36 9:03/M
536 922 LiamCurran Curran Omagh Tri M40 404 8:16 7:53 448 16:03 7:47 492 25:49 9:45 488 37:04 11:15 581 45:36 8:31 45:14 45:36 9:03/M
537 494 Leona Carson R Running Club F35 599 9:35 8:57 560 17:58 8:23 400 26:56 8:57 455 37:39 10:43 503 45:43 8:04 45:05 45:43 9:01/M
538 700 Una Brogan   FO 683 10:11 9:10 479 18:09 7:57       599 37:31 19:22 536 45:46 8:15 44:45 45:46 8:57/M
539 539 Paul Coyle   M45 565 9:23 8:37 463 17:15 7:52 416 26:19 9:04 481 37:24 11:04 554 45:46 8:22 45:01 45:46 9:00/M
540 752 Aidan Kelly Mary Anderson Foundation MO 663 10:05 9:24 544 18:23 8:18       596 37:42 19:19 508 45:48 8:06 45:07 45:48 9:01/M
541 152 Kieran McLaughlin Muck Hogs MO 371 8:06 7:56 455 15:56 7:49 452 25:20 9:23 511 37:01 11:41 616 45:51 8:50 45:40 45:51 9:08/M
542 179 Stuart Morrow   MO 684 10:13 9:23 528 18:28 8:14       608 38:12 19:44 421 45:54 7:41 45:04 45:54 9:01/M
543 208 Brigid Quinn Ballymena Runners AC F70 424 8:20 8:12 558 16:42 8:21 481 26:20 9:37 482 37:28 11:07 570 45:55 8:27 45:47 45:55 9:09/M
544 322 Louis Devlin   M65 422 8:20 8:07 499 16:22 8:02 494 26:10 9:48 485 37:23 11:12 592 45:58 8:35 45:45 45:58 9:09/M
545 584 Greg McMullan Knockmany Runners M55 673 10:07 9:20 508 18:13 8:05       609 37:58 19:45 502 46:02 8:03 45:15 46:02 9:03/M
546 105 Alan Ferguson Blood Sweat & Tears MO 659 10:04 9:31 494 18:05 8:00       615 38:05 20:00 481 46:02 7:57 45:29 46:02 9:06/M
547 719 Marion Gray Trillick GAC F40 411 8:18 8:04 517 16:28 8:09 471 26:02 9:34 495 37:20 11:17 601 46:03 8:42 45:49 46:03 9:10/M
548 147 Karen Mullin   FO 591 9:32 8:47 539 17:49 8:17 441 27:06 9:16 467 37:55 10:48 525 46:07 8:12 45:23 46:07 9:05/M
549 506 Ciara McEnhill   F35 495 8:51 8:31 556 17:13 8:21       632 37:54 20:41 529 46:08 8:13 45:48 46:08 9:10/M
550 636 Patrick Doherty UHAF MO 496 8:51 8:31 557 17:13 8:21       634 37:57 20:43 520 46:08 8:11 45:48 46:08 9:10/M
551 450 Conor McElduff   M45 705 10:27 9:35 571 18:54 8:27       601 38:19 19:25 467 46:12 7:52 45:20 46:12 9:04/M
552 582 Caoimhe McElduff   FO 702 10:26 9:34 574 18:54 8:28       600 38:19 19:24 468 46:12 7:52 45:20 46:12 9:04/M
553 554 Paul Doran   M40 339 8:02 7:54 497 16:04 8:01 479 25:41 9:36 510 37:20 11:39 627 46:13 8:52 46:04 46:13 9:13/M
554 1140 Paul Wigget   MO 478 8:45 8:29 484 16:43 7:57 443 25:59 9:16 462 36:46 10:46 702 46:15 9:29 45:59 46:15 9:12/M
555 368 Pascal McBride Silverstine Streakers MO 372 8:07 7:39 395 15:38 7:31       664 37:22 21:43 631 46:17 8:55 45:49 46:17 9:10/M
556 272 Michael Stevenson North Down AC M50 682 10:10 9:20 542 18:28 8:17       604 37:59 19:31 548 46:19 8:19 45:29 46:19 9:06/M
557 503 Michael Toner   M40 624 9:51 9:10 541 18:08 8:17       602 37:34 19:25 610 46:21 8:47 45:40 46:21 9:08/M
558 469 Stephen McGinn   MO                   798 38:21 38:21 505 46:26 8:05 45:45 46:26 9:09/M
559 194 Brian O'Neill   M50 459 8:37 8:16 504 16:41 8:04       624 37:06 20:25 690 46:29 9:22 46:08 46:29 9:14/M
560 209 Jerome McDowell   M50 643 10:01 9:03 520 18:12 8:10       612 38:06 19:54 559 46:30 8:23 45:32 46:30 9:06/M
561 617 Emlyn McGinn   MO 660 10:04 9:22 553 18:25 8:21       613 38:21 19:56 518 46:33 8:11 45:50 46:33 9:10/M
562 835 Terry Campbell Orangegrove AC M40 445 8:28 8:03 430 16:09 7:40       668 38:03 21:53 574 46:33 8:30 46:07 46:33 9:13/M
563 412 Liam Og Mossey   MJ 390 8:11 7:54 575 16:40 8:28       669 38:35 21:54 492 46:34 7:59 46:17 46:34 9:15/M
564 277 Shauna McKeown   M40 597 9:35 8:50 492 17:35 8:00 467 27:08 9:32 490 38:24 11:16 524 46:37 8:12 45:52 46:37 9:10/M
565 287 Andrew Bradlley   MO 650 10:02 9:22 610 18:45 8:42       618 38:57 20:12 418 46:38 7:41 45:58 46:38 9:12/M
566 49 Carina Quigg   FO 589 9:32 8:50 529 17:47 8:14       629 38:23 20:36 537 46:39 8:15 45:57 46:39 9:11/M
567 527 Kevin Bogle Urney GAC M50 665 10:05 9:09 510 18:11 8:06 417 27:17 9:05 486 38:31 11:13 514 46:40 8:09 45:44 46:40 9:09/M
568 160 Johnny Murray   MO 642 10:01 9:12 429 17:42 7:40       626 38:07 20:25 584 46:40 8:32 45:51 46:40 9:10/M
569 917 Catriona Doyle Newcastle AC FJ 368 8:06 7:49 472 16:01 7:55 515 26:11 10:09 516 37:54 11:43 612 46:43 8:48 46:26 46:43 9:17/M
570 306 Ruth Flanigan   FO 488 8:49 8:17 522 17:00 8:11       654 38:26 21:25 560 46:50 8:23 46:18 46:50 9:16/M
571 591 Finbar Maguire   MO 453 8:32 8:05 509 16:39 8:06       640 37:38 20:59 676 46:50 9:12 46:23 46:50 9:17/M
572 175 Brendan McLaughlin   M40 570 9:24 9:06 684 18:45 9:21 451 28:07 9:22 484 39:20 11:12 393 46:54 7:33 46:36 46:54 9:19/M
573 258 Iarlaith Hendron Maghery Sean McDermotts MJ 376 8:07 7:43 414 15:44 7:36 495 25:35 9:50 524 38:03 12:27 622 46:54 8:51 46:29 46:54 9:18/M
574 93 Claire McGrath Omagh F40 526 9:00 8:36 490 16:59 7:59       644 38:05 21:06 623 46:56 8:51 46:33 46:56 9:19/M
575 456 Bernie McGurk Melvin F55 436 8:25 8:11 538 16:42 8:16 502 26:38 9:56 504 38:10 11:31 620 47:01 8:50 46:47 47:01 9:21/M
576 471 John Baxter Muck Hogs MO 528 9:01 8:43 473 16:56 7:55 525 27:17 10:20 494 38:35 11:17 579 47:06 8:30 46:48 47:06 9:22/M
577 607 Charlie McShane Clann na Gael GAC M45 632 9:57 9:16 549 18:16 8:19 411 27:19 9:02 507 38:56 11:36 523 47:07 8:11 46:27 47:07 9:17/M
578 873 Fergal Gormley Carrickmore M45 631 9:56 9:17 603 18:36 8:39 424 27:44 9:07 461 38:30 10:46 593 47:07 8:37 46:28 47:07 9:18/M
579 647 Johnny McShane Clann na Gael GAC M40 633 9:57 9:16 548 18:16 8:19 409 27:19 9:02 509 38:56 11:37 521 47:08 8:11 46:26 47:08 9:17/M
580 874 Patsy Rafferty Galbally F35 458 8:36 8:27 564 17:00 8:24 482 26:38 9:38 501 38:06 11:27 660 47:11 9:04 47:01 47:11 9:24/M
581 104 Lynn Moore Sperrin Harriers F40 608 9:39 8:56 602 18:19 8:39 436 27:31 9:12 493 38:48 11:17 556 47:12 8:23 46:28 47:12 9:18/M
582 762 Pauline McKeever Galbally Runners F35 484 8:48 8:28 523 17:00 8:11       649 38:14 21:13 638 47:12 8:57 46:52 47:12 9:22/M
583 103 Barry Moore Sperrin Harriers